Kokoshippy (James & Butch)

Okay, this is disgusting.
Yeah, I know. Me and you? What a horrible pairing.
We would never, ever be a couple.
Why do people pair us up anyway? There really isn't any decent evidence.
Well, actually there is:

Arrrrrg!!! Stupid picture!! That doesn't mean anything!
Yeah! Just because our faces are touching doesn't mean that we like each other.
I know! But it looks like we're about to *mutters* kiss.
Atleast we didn't.
Yeah, that's a relief. I mean, who in their right mind would like to kiss you?
Hey! How come kissing me is bad?
Because it is. And because you're gay. Hey! Wait a minute! Do you like me? Is that why it looks like we're about to kiss? Did you want to kiss me?
First of all, I'm a good kisser. Second, the answer is no to all of your questions.
For my sake, I hope so.
Atleast I don't have a froggy voice. I feel so bad for Cassidy for having to put up with that horrible voice. You must scare away all of the girls with that voice. That's probably why it looks like you are going to kiss me. You probably wanted to because no girls like you so you have to take boys instead.
My voice isn't all that bad. I'm not that desperate for a partner that I have to take a boy. I can get a girlfriend if I wanted one.
Cass likes me, so there!
I guess...
Are you still calling me gay? Because if you are, you're mistaking me for yourself! I'm not the one who crossdresses!
I only crossdress for Team Rocket, not because I want to.
Yeah right!
Whatever. Hey, why did we start this argument anyway?
I don't know. Something about kokoshipping, I guess. It's still a horrible shipping.
That is probably the only thing we'll ever agree on.

My View

First of all, I don't think James and Butch like each other. There's too many differences. I also don't think James or Butch is gay. If they were, they would be more opened and express it much more. But I will have to admit, even though I'm not a kokoshipper, Butch and James is my favorite shonen ai pairing.