Rocketshippy (James & Jessie)

All right! The most famous shipping of all!
I guess so...
There's just so much evidence! I don't know where to begin. Where should we begin James?
Uh, I don't know.
Okay, I guess I have to start us off. Let's start off with the first shippy scene:

Awww! Look at you two!
We do look kind of cute...
And pathetic. This is a picture that makes me wonder:

Are you...touching her...where you aren't...supposed to?
*blushes* No, I don't think so.
I think so. Here's another one:

Why are your legs where they are?
*blushes* They just are.
Yeah right. Very awkward. How about this one:

Are you guys naked?
*blushes* None of your business.
Hey! I'm the one who says "none of your business." I didn't know you had those kind of fantasies.
Be quiet.
I don't want to. Nobody can tell me to be quiet. You guys make a very good couple. You balance each other out. Kind of like yin and yang.
Yep, I know.
Hehehe, look at this pic:

You guys even sleep next to each other! That's better than Cassidy and me.
So what if we sleep next to each other. She's nice to talk to at night. Just because we sleep next to each other doesn't mean we do anything dirty.
Uh, yeah. Let's take a look into the future:

Awww, someday are you going to proclaim your love to Jessie? Or have you already? No I don't think you have yet.
Nope, I'm waiting for the perfect, romantic moment.
And look! You guys will be busy someday, if you get what I mean...
James, if you blush one more time, your face will explode, so cut it out! Its beginning to tick me off.
Um, okay.
I wonder if its going to be a boy or a girl.
I wonder too.
Well James, it looks like you have a romantic future ahead of you.

My View

James and Jessie do love each other, they just have insecurities that they need to work out. I think eventually James will gain his confidence and will tell Jessie his feelings. Then they'll get married and have kids. You may ask "Why do you think that?" (Trust me, I know there are anti-shippers out there.)
-First of all, in the end of the manga, Jessie is pregnant and they are wearing wedding rings.
-In the japanese version of the Holy Matrimony ep, James says he wanted to be with Musashi forever.
-In the Jigglypuff song ep, some guy bumps into James and starts yelling at James. But Jessie defends James by saying, "You bumped into him!"
-In the Princess vs. Princess ep, James says "I hope this year is different for you," and "I hope you win those dolls." He also takes her hands into his.
-In the same episode, you should see Jame's love-strucken face when he sees Jessie in her kimono.
-In the Make Room for Gloom ep, I believe that's the one, Jessie is on top of James in a pose where they look like an R, James is shaking. But not because she's heavy, but because Jessie's hands are on his butt.
-In The Misty Mermaid, Jessie is holding James, in a tutu, between the legs.
-They sleep in the same bed together most of the time, and with teenage hormones, this makes me wonder...
-In Pokemon Shipwreck, there's plenty of shippy stuff with James calling Jessie "Jessica," holding hands, and James sleeping on Jessie's thighs at night.
-J and J also seem very comfortable changing in front of each other. Remeber "K-9 Captors" ep?