Rumishippy (James & Jessibelle)

Hah! What kind of evidence do you have for this shipping?
Well, you have some reasons to like her.
Really? Name some.
If you marry her, you'll become very rich.
Yeah but then I'll never be in Team Rocket again and I'll be Jessiebelle's slave. The money isn't worth it.
You should be used to being beaten up, especially from redheds.
Don't you dare compare Jessie to Jessiebelle!
She also looks similar to Jessie. If you look at Jessibelle, you can almost see Jessie.
She may look like Jessie, but she'll never be Jessie!
Ok, ok. Calm down. Geez, most of the time, I'm the one who needs to calm down.

My View

James will never go back to Jessibelle. Why? Cuz he hates her.