Twerpyshippy (James & Misty)

So you have a thing for younger girls, huh? Way younger.
Uh no.
You have spent some time with her without Jessie around. Makes a guy wonder. During the Stun Spore Detour and Forest Grumps you were with her.
Did I choose to be with her? No I didn't.

*laughs* Look at your face!
I was drooling over a sandwich. Sandwich plus me equals drool.
Yeah, sure. Look at this one:

You two sure look happy.
We were happy that we were saved.
But why didn't you dance with Jessie?
She was in a bad mood that day.

Awwww, look! She helped you guys out. You even say she's as good as gold.
That's because she helped us out so we can help Jessie.
Yeah right.

My View

James and Misty make a horrible couple. I don't know why people pair them up. James is nice to all kids and calls them pet names at times so its not like James is giving Misty special attention.