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Submitting Fanfiction


Sugoi! *claps hands together* That's great  that you wish to submit fanfiction, though I do have a few things I want to clear up...*clears throat* 


1. NO HENTAI! I want everyone to be able to read the stories that will be put on this site, and that means no hentai. I can't stress this enough. If your story is borderline, but done in good taste, please send it in and I will consider it.

2. I don't mind yaoi. Please feel free to send anything in that is yaoi, just as long as it isn't graphic. 

3. This isn't really a rule, but I think that I should just clarify this anyway. If you have a story that isn't focused on Tiger's Eye, but is about the Amazon Trio, please feel free to send it in. I happen to adore all three of the Amazon boys and will be happy to post anything that is written about any of them. Besides, I should get more fics if it is a little more open, ne?


Well that's all, please send any fanfiction to this address.

Happy Writing! 



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