~*My Art*~ ~*You're Art*~ ~*Stuff*~ ~*E-mail*~ ~*Guestbook*~ ~*Links*~ ~*About me*~
Name:...(something you don't need to know)
Nicks:Angel M., Angel Misty, AM...
B-Day:8th of March
zodiac sign:Pisces(who actually read's this?)
Location: Like you can see I'm stuck on this so called site...
Fave colors: Purple, blue, grey, black and lot's of other's.(Yawn, what you're still here?)
Stuff I like to do: Surf the net, watch TV, draw(duh), read fic's and playing unreal turnemant with my sisters.(And dont give me the I tought you were a girl junk! It's a kewl game! :P)
So what kind of psycho are ya?: Well, I'm a psycho who has temper(can get agressive(nothing my bro couldn't handle)), but still I'm hyper shy. But with people i know i'm allway's talking and making stupid jokes(yes there stupid even i admite it). So because I'm too shy, I have time to work on this site...and yes I have a life, just not a busy one...Hmm..I guess that was all, I dont think you need or want to know anything more about me, coss you allready think I'm weird ^^;;
Hey wait a second missy! What about us?
Yeah! You're muses! the one's who inspired to you draw all you're junk that you post on this site!
Oh yeah, sorry guy's...^^;;
These are Matt the Angel and Ken the Faerie, my muses and the ones you should blame for my art.
and now that you've mentioned it, Why in the h*ll am I a faerie? And Matt get's to be a Sexy angel?
Well I couldn't find another Angel costume, and besides you look cute as a Fearie! ^-^
And, I'm more hot then you...
>:( AM! I'm much more of a angel then that flirting bishi hottie!!!
Sorry Ken, no can do, the faerie costume is too small for Matt. But there must be something good about that costume?
hmmm...Well I allway's can use this faerie stick to smack Yama on the head *smacks Yama*
that was not what I was thinking about...*sigh*
so get going now! look at some pic's, there's nothing more to see around here. *Tries to keep Yama and Ken from hurting each other too badly*