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Friends Forever

 Minako has gained trust, and has made lots of friends. She was the last scout to come and therefore she met all the scouts at once. She's not real popular with the outer senshi, but the inner senshi are close to her heart. Here they are:

Usagi a.k.a. Sailor Moon looks almost exactly like Minako! True she is a ditz, but she makes Minako laugh sometimes. She has her boyfriend Marmouru, and shows off in front of Minako and Makato to make them mad all the time!

Ami is pure genius! She's smarter then all of them. When she talks about math a lot she makes Minako's brain fry! She doesn't mean to, but sometimes she makes Minako mad by showing off her intelligence. Overall, Ami is a great friend!

Hino Rei:
Rei is a priestess of a shrine. She and Minako are great friends, almost best. They always laugh together and are found with Makato sometimes. Hino Rei sometimes has a temper, but then again she knows anything and everything about love, making her great to be around, by Minako and Makato that is!

Makato is Minako's best bud! She's an excellent cook and is boy crazy! They were the last scouts to join the inners, and are most powerful. No wonder why they're best friends! Minako and Makato are seen a lot with Hino Rei, all best friends. Makato is always there for Minako and Rei, she's a sweet girl.