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Eyes of a Leader

When you see Sailor Moon, anime or manga, you might think "Sailor Moon is the leader right?" Wrong. The leader is actually Sailor Venus! Sailor Moon may be a scout, but actually she's the princess they have to protect. Sailor Venus is the leader of the scouts who protect the princess. In other words, Sailor Venus is the leader of all senshi but Sailor Moon.  

In the anime, it's hard to interpret, but Venus is still the leader in that. She leads some attacks, and she is last to transform (the leader usually goes last. In the Sailor Moon movies, the leaders go last at least...) But she also helps a lot too. In all the episodes about Sailor Venus, it is directly pointed out to her. But the anime gives Sailor Moon a lot of credit, and most of the other scouts don't get their time in the spotlight.  

Now it's clear. Sailor Venus is the leader, even when it doesn't show. She leads the scouts through many attacks and such. So next time you wonder, who's the leader? You'll know it's Sailor Venus, not Sailor Moon!