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Swords of Stone

 Minako is a strong scout. She is the leader of the senshi, and therefore she has the greatest power, next to Eternal Sailor Moon. In the manga she is the only one that can release the sword of stone, and she uses it to defeat Queen Beyril. Minako's strength isn't as obvious in the anime, as she clearly doesn't get as much respect she should, but it's there. Minako's experience as Sailor V also helps her get stronger. True, it seems as if Sailor Moon is stronger, but she isn't. Only with the Silver Imperium Crystal, or as Eternal Sailor Moon is she stronger. I think she gets too much credit.... Minako also has a wide variety of attacks, including the sword of stone, link chain, love and beauty shock, and crescent beam smash. She has as many, or more attacks then Sailor Moon because, like I said before, she's the strongest Senshi!