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June 3, 2006

Does anyone still visit here anymore? If so, thanks!! I've just done some tweaking to the website, removing dead links and posting some new link buttons.

July 22, 2003

I've completed the next short story for the anthology, however I have run out of space on this website and there isn't room for anything new. So, I have moved the whole Escapist Artist page over to Cerulean Breeze, where you can read the new stories from now on. That means this page is pretty much static, because I'm finished with Armoured Prophet and I've moved on to new and (hopefully) better things. Long Live Armoured Prophet!! All of my efforts will now be honed upon Cerulean Breeze. I plan to keep updating and expanding my little website empire for as long as I can, so please, check out Cerulean Breeze often for updates!

June 19, 2003

Well, I finally found the time to update now that school is pretty much done! I had six exams, if you can believe it. Of course, four of them were for art (Art History, Lithography, Etching and 3D) but it's still a lot of work. I have the new short comic I promised up on a new page that will feature short comics from now on. I also did some much-needed link weeding, by which I mean that I removed dead links and added new ones. I think you'll find that the new links, especially the fanart pages, are very interesting. I don't know when I'll update this page next, but Cerulean Breeze will be heavily expanded in the next couple weeks.

April 27, 2003

As you may know, this site is pretty much static for the moment, because my main efforts have been transferred to my sister site, Cerulean Breeze. I've updated my "Who is Angela Jordan" page, which I had sorely neglected, with a new picture and information. I'm working on a new short comic which should be up in a month or so.

Jan 27, 2003

Bwa ha ha!! Now THAT was a huge update. I've finished Armoured Prophet. The whole series is done, and you can see the entire conclusion on the AP3 page. The reason I got my act together and actually finished it was because I was given the opportunity to hand it in as a school assignment as long as I could get it done by the due date. And I did!!!! I also have some new original art on my other webpage, so check it out if you have the time. As for the future, I'll be doing some fan art, commissions, etc, basically whatever comes my way until I feel motivated enough to write a new series. I'll try to keep my updates on a monthly basis!!

Jan 3, 2003

Well, after a 2 month hiatus I'm back with more art! You must have noticed the new picture on the main page. There is a bigger size of it in the gallery under Armoured Prophet information. The picture will become the back cover of issue three, which I've almost completed. You may notice on the new painting that the outlines are a little different than what they usually look like. That's because I'm using a fountain pen instead of felt-tip! I bought some different coloured inks for the pen, and the colour of outline in that picture is marine blue. Neat, huh? Well, I'll have some more of issue three posted up soon.

Oct 27, 2002

Hello again!! I have more art, finally. There are three new pages in the AP3 section and the cover page is up for the third issue, which can be seen in the AP Info section gallery. I think it's my best cover yet! What do you think? I managed to paint Serle's hair so that it looks really shiny and healthy. And the steamy embrace between Andrew and Serle...well, maybe it's not steamy but at least it's an embrace. That's a start. The cosplay pictures of me are still not developed! Maybe another month until I can put those up. I'll keep you informed. AP log: 34 pages pencilled, 29 inked.

Sept 21, 2002

Sorry, sorry, sorry. I've really slacked off in updating. The thing is, I had used up all the room on my site, so I couldn't update anymore. I have moved the Original Works page to my other website to free up some more space. I've been drawing a lot lately, though, and the Armoured Prophet series is almost done. I have a new part of AP 3 up, and I hope to have more soon. I've also started to work on the cover art, which may take a little while to finish. Also, I've been sewing myself an anime costume ("cosplay") so that occupied my time for a couple weeks. I'll have pictures of it on my other site sometime soon. Until then... AP log: 29 pages pencilled, 25 inked.

Aug 8, 2002

Have I been lazy in updating lately? Maybe a little, but I haven't been lazy in my art! I have a new picture in the AP Info Gallery, which is a large (the heads are life-size) drawing of Serle and me. It won an award at the art show it was in (the Vivian Sturdee Purchase Award). Sorry for the low quality picture... I also have lots of new story and art on the AP 3 page, so check it out! AP log: 18 inked, 21 pencilled.

July 9, 2002

I've got two new pieces for you! Both can be found on the Armoured Prophet Info page. First, I have an animation-style cel of Serle, painted on acetate. I wanted to see what Serle would look like if she was on an anime TV series. The other piece is a pen-and-ink, and will be used on the inside cover of the final issue of Armoured Prophet. The dress Serle is wearing will be what she wears for the final battle. I wish I had a dress like pretty....anyway, AP log: 17 pencilled, 14 inked.

July 2, 2002

Well, I have a new banner on the main page linking to Cerulean Breeze, and a new picture on the Original Works page. I finally got back my photography projects back today, and I've posted my favourite one. I have lots of 3D art to show you, but I'll need to get pictures developed, so none of that today. I'm working on an animation cel of Serle that I'll be able to show you soon. Until then...

June 30, 2002

There are some big changes happening to my site, so bear with me while I try to work everything out. All my fan art is being moved to a brand new site, Cerulean Breeze. The link to it is on the main page. I have no new content so far on this site, which will contain only Armoured Prophet and other original art. Hopefully I'll have some new art soon!

June 20, 2002

Here are the new Armoured Prophet pages, as promised. There's another battle scene coming up... It should be exciting! I'm pretty much done uploading school artwork for now, seeing as most of what's left is 3D and I'll need to get pictures developed. But as soon as I get my art photography projects back from the school, I'll put up some of the cooler ones. Until then... AP log: 15 pages pencilled, 14 inked.

June 19, 2002

Update haul!!! Since the school year is pretty much over, I'm getting all my art back. That means lots of new stuff!! I've just put up my paintings today, and they're on the Originals page. I'll try to get more stuff up soon, so stay tuned. As well, Armoured Prophet work has resumed and I'll have a new page sometime soon.

June 3, 2002

As promised, the Anthy statue pictures are up, and they're on the Other Anime page. I don't know when I'll get the chance to update again, because exams are coming up and the year-end art show at my school is nigh. I've been working really hard to have all of my art projects done in time for the show, so my hobbies have kind of been shoved aside. But I work on Armoured Prophet whenever I can and I'll be updating practically every week this summer. So keep checking back! As soon as I get my art projects back from my teachers I'll put pictures of them up.

May 26, 2002

I'm back again with the finished Van and Dilandau fanart. You can see it on the Escaflowne page. In other news, my guestbook was deleted!! NOOOOOOO!!!!! I'll have to get a new one whenever I get the time to do so. Thank you to all the wonderful people who signed it. Also. I've lowered some of the prices on the Buy It page. Wish me luck on the fanart contest, and please vote for me using the link in the last update! Thanks!

May 24, 2002

It's been over a month since the last update! Gomenesai! It's not that I've forgotten you all, but there simply hasn't been any new material to put up. The good news is that the pictures of my Anthy statue are FINALLY being developed, so maybe next weekend I'll have them up. We'll see... I have lots of cool art projects to show you but no more Armoured Prophet!! To many art projects, not enought time. And in other news, I'm working on a new Escaflowne fan art for a contest. Please vote for me at FanimeNation!! Thanks so much!!!

April 20, 2002

Gomenesai for the updating-hiatus!!! I had a busy month, what with mid-terms and concerts with the choir I'm in EVERY OTHER DAY and art projects like there's no tomorrow. But I have lots of new stuff for you!! On the AP3 page there's new story and art as usual. On the AP Information page there's a new Intaglio print of Serle in the Gallery. On the Original Works page there's two new projects. both for my printmaking class. And then I have a new section!! It's called "Buy it!" On the page, I have a list of all the art I'm selling. Go there for more information! Coming soon: An Anthy statue made of clay! *as soon as the darn pictures are developed* AP log: 8 pages inked, 10 pencilled.

March 30, 2002

There's new art and story on the Armoured Prophet 3 section, and a new anime pic on the Original Works page. There are also 3 new Utena links on the Links page, which I think are definitely worth checking out. I've got some more art projects coming up....this includes some clay statues from Armoured Prophet and Utena! As well as an Itaglio print of Serle. But those aren't done yet, so you'll have to wait ^__^ gomenesai.... AP log: 4 pages inked, 6 pages pencilled. *go me*

March 15, 2002

More art and story, as usual, have been added to the Armoured Prophet 3 page. I'm right on schedule. And I have a new picture on my Original Works page as well. Also, I have new banners on my links page for my friends Laura and Dariens' sites. AP log: 3 pages inked, 4.5 pencilled.

March 11, 2002

Yes! March Break! That means I'll have lots of time for anime and art. I've updated several things I've been meaning to do but I haven't had the time. This includes: The new Armoured Prophet 3 section! I have one scanned image for you to look at. I'm using bigger, better paper now, so the edges are cut off by my scanner. But the artistic quality is a lot better so I'm happy. Next, I have a new banner on my links page. Be sure to check it out! I also changed my "Who is Angela Jordan?" page, because frankly, I've changed since last August when I started the site. Last, on the AP Info page, I put the cover from the first issue in the gallery. AP log: Done AP2. Started AP3, 1 page inked, 3 pages pencilled. That's all for now!!

Feb 26, 2002

The Armoured Prophet 2 cover is now up. It's on the AP2 page, obviously, but I've also posted it on the AP Information page so that you can see a larger version of it if you choose. I decided to create a front-and-back wraparound cover, just like the pros sometimes do. I really think it adds to the look of the comic to put a lot of effort into the cover (not that the story and inside art isn't important...). Anyway, now that I'm done issue 2 it's time to market issue 1!!! Wish me luck as I try my best to sell AP in 4 stores in my city!! ^0^ woo hoo hoo

Feb 21, 2002

Yes!! Armoured Prophet 2 is finally done! It's been posted on the site. Now all I have to do is the cover page, which I'm currently working on. I should have it done in a week or so. See you then!

Feb 18, 2002

New art on the Original works page. I'll have a nice big Armoured Prophet update in a week or so, so please stay tuned! Enjoy!!!!! Armoured Prophet log: all pages inked, cover art half done.

Jan 30, 2002

Yes!!! I have more art!!! As usual, I have more Armoured Prophet story and art on the Armoured Prophet 2 page. I'm knee deep in battle scenes. And it's going well, I think. I also have new material for a page that hardly EVER gets blessed with new art, the Original Works page. I've posted an art project for school. The only reason I'd put this on my site is because I sold it and I won't be able to see it again. As soon as I can get more art projects back from my school I'll take pictures of the anime related ones and put them up. Armoured Prophet log: 28 pages inked, 31 pages pencilled.

Jan 17, 2002

WOW. I've really been updating lately, haven't I! This time I have more Armoured Prophet story. I got my muse back (free time, that is) and I've been busily working. See the AP2 page for the new pictures. The battle scene I've been building up to is really fun!! Except for the mechanical drawing like tanks and cars. I'm a shoujo artist for heaven's sake! *^.^* As soon as I have some cool explosions and stuff done I'll update again. Also, someone actually has a question for the Q and A section!!!! thanks, Laura. Armoured Prophet log: 23 pages inked, 28 pages pencilled.

Jan 10, 2002

Well, I'm back again with more Armoured Prophet story. Check out the AP2 page. There's a battle scene coming up. . .should be interesting. . .And also on the AP Information page: I've added an anatomical diagram of a parasite. Well, that's all for now.

Jan 5, 2002

Finally all the paintings are done! Dawn's painting is in the Armoured Prophet Information section. Interesting fact: the background colours of the watercolours all correspond to the characters' favourite colours! And the pop art-ish different translucent colour shapes all mean things too. Serle's has rectangles because I thought they looked serene with a hard edge. Melissa's has circles because she has a bubbly personality. Andrew's shapes kind of look like rain, because he's depressed. Brian's has squares because he's a very precise person. Dawn's has shards of glass because she's destined to shatter. Well, that's it for now! Ja ne!!

Jan 2, 2002

4 paintings down, 1 to go! The Brian painting has been completed and is on the Armoured Prophet Information page. Now all I have to do is finish the Dawn painting. And catch up on the actual comic. . . *guilty of slacking off* Oh, well. I'll be back in another couple of days with the last painting.

Dec 30, 2001

The Andrew watercolour painting is up on the Armoured Prophet Information page. It'll be a couple more days until I get the Dawn and Brian paintings up, but they should be done before the holidays are over.

Dec 27, 2001

Merry Christmas everyone! I'm on Christmas break right now, and you know what that means! LOTS of time for new art. Remember the watercolour of Serle in the Armoured Prophet gallery? I'm painting one for each main character in Armoured Prophet!! There will be one of Serle (finished months ago), Melissa (posted today), Andrew, Brian, and Dawn. You can see the new Melissa painting on the AP Information page. (*pssstt* I used real nailpolish to colour Melissa's nails *^-^*) Anyway, I'll get then scanned and on the site when I've finished them. I'll be done Andrew in a couple of days, so check back here soon!!

Dec 15, 2001

Heh. As soon as I mentally decided to update once a month, here I am again with more art! That's a good thing. ^_^ So here's what's new: I've got another program cover designed by me on the Other Original Works page, and an addition to the Armoured Prophet II page, with more story and art. Meet my new character, Brian Sharpe!! I've also included a bio on Brian, which can be found on the brand new Armoured Prophet Information page. I've been meaning to add to the characters list. . .

Dec 10, 2001

Jeez, I'm really settling into this one update a month thing. Things have been really fast-paced lately, so there's been no time for hobbies. The new art is on the Other Anime and Manga page, and is an Utena fan art. Warning: yuri (girl-girl romance) implications! But it's not too bad. Go see it. . . .

Nov 13, 2001

New art again! I'll be brief because it's almost time to sleep. I finally finished the Escaflowne fan art I've been working on forever. It's Dilandau and Folken, as promised. Armoured Prophet log: I'm completely done the first 16 pages and I'm penciling up to page 20. Yes!! The sweet smell of progress!!! Wait a minute...the smell isn't progress, it's cookies! Yuummmmmmm....

Nov 10, 2001

Soooo.... tired......Whew! That sure was a big update. I have a new section of the site, for Armoured Prophet II!!! It's a work in progress, but at least if I start posting now it then you can see my progress. Just like the first issue, I won't be posting the entire work. You have to read the pictures and words in order on the site to know what's going on. Believe me, I'm trying to be accurate with the synopsis, but it's so hard to be selective with my pictures. Every time I have to leave out a joke or hilarious facial expression, I cringe. So far I've included about half the pages, so you have to read the originals to enjoy it to the fullest. One will be able to buy the series over the Internet...Also, the Gallery has been moved to the APII section for convenience. Up next is a creepy yet cute Dilandau, Folken, and Dornkirk fan art. Also, I'll be writing more about each Armoured Prophet character. Speaking of which, there will be a cute new guy-character in Issue II coming soon...*^.^*

Oct 21, 2001

Hah! And YOU thought I'd never be back with a nice hefty update again! I have not one but TWO brand-new pictures for you. The first can be found at the bottom of the Escaflowne art page. It's a chibi comic strip concerning Dilly-sama and Folkie-sama. Heh heh heh... Dilandau as a hyper chibi...wheee....*ahem* The second picture is one that I am particularly proud of. It's on the Armoured Prophet page. A pen and ink picture with a flowing outfit and serene mood! I love drawing Serle! In other news, GO SEE THE REVOLUTIONARY GIRL UTENA MOVIE RIGHT NOW. IT'S SO WONDERFUL THAT I URGE YOU ALL TO DROP EVERYTHING AND RUN FOR THE NEAREST ANIME STORE. RUN!!!!!!!! RUUUUUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 11, 2001

Don't you hate it when you go to a site and there's a new update, but it turns out to be really small? This is one of those updates. I have a new banner on the Links page, but that's about it. The banner is really cool though. Gomenesai... I post new art as fast as I can make it but school and work have to come first. New update when I finish the fan art I'm working on.

Sept 23, 2001

Yes! New art! You can find a brand-new watercolour of Serle Casson on the Armoured Prophet page. I just felt like painting after the terrorist actions. The events on that day were absolutely horrifying and I hope all those affected can feel the compassion of those around them. My best wishes and shining hope go out to everyone. Canada is with you. Also: new question on the Armoured Prophet page and some new links.

Sept 9, 2001

Teensy weensy little update today. One of my favourite Folken shrines, Strategos, is back up after being gone all summer. So I've put a convenient link on my Links page so all of you can see the pretty new format. Enjoy!

Sept 3, 2001

Yes! I've finally finished that picture of movie Folken I told you about a couple of weeks ago! I'm usually not so irresponsible with getting my art done, but I've been working REALLY hard on Armoured Prophet 2. I also added some long-lost art to the Original Works page. So there's new stuff on there, too. WOOOO!!!!! BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!! My mother said that I can sell my comics over the Internet once I get them printed! So everyone out there can buy Armoured Prophet! Who knows, they might be worth something some day!! I'll even autograph each one to increase their value. Unfortunately, printing them is something for the distant future. Boohoo.

Aug 28, 2001

I've added a new page, the Other Anime and Manga page. This is because I just finished a watercolour of Kiley, a Peach Girl character. It took me a whole week to get done, but I finally finished. It's watercolours on thick paper, cut out and mounted on a background made of newspaper print brushed with silver, gold, blue and pink paint. I've also provided two links to Kiley shrines so that you can compare pictures of the real Kiley to my art. Well, that's all for today!

Aug 21, 2001

I updated today, but it's a really small update. Usually if I have an update this small, like an addition to the thanks page, I won't mention it here. But this update made me so happy that I had to let everyone know! I re-scanned the watercolour of movie Hitomi in the Escaflowne part of the site and the colours are bright and stunning. A scanner still can't duplicate the best part of the picture, which is Hitomi's skin and how it shimmers with life. That's the power of translucent fluid!

Aug 19, 2001

I'm back! I've added a link to a super-cool Folken shrine on the Links page and five pieces of art on the Other Original Works page. I drew the art a while back and scanned it in during the making of this site. I made the thumbnails just now. It's strange how the colours of the paper scanned differently, even though I used the same paper for each of them. Aaah! I feel so betrayed! I just found out yet ANOTHER of my favourite male characters dies! This is of course Daigoji Gai of Nadesico. I also just found out that another one of my favourite female characters is a lesbian. First Sailor Neptune, now Ibuki Maya of Evangelion! What is the world coming to?

Aug 13, 2001

I've added a whole bunch of links to the Links page. I'm determined to have links to all the great Folken sites! Also, I've included links to some great general information sites, such as The Yoko Kanno Project and an online Japanese Dictionary. Also, check out the Other Original Works page. It's updated too! I regret that I won't be adding new fan art for a couple days at least because I got over my writer's block and am working furiously on Armoured Prophet Issue 2. Andrew returns and Serle has a vision of an upcoming parasite attack. I'm up to page 10 already! Go me!!

Aug 11, 2001

The Links page is up. I have created three banners of various sizes for you to use. They are all decorated with my artwork. If you have a website and would like to link to me, then by all means take a banner! Thanks to Laura for the help with the dark rose banner! Arigato! You can visit Laura's site, Sailor Moon Village, on the Links page. Also, visit Darien's site! His is the one without a banner. He should make a banner.^-^ On a different note, I've started yet another Folken fan art! It's young and old Folken from the Escaflowne movie. I will finish soon.

Aug 4, 2001

The Thanks page is up. I've called it "Arigato," which means thank you in Japanese. It's not really an interesting page, but it's there so that I won't get a mob of angry people who contributed even a miniscule amount to my comics after me. Bad experiences with that....So if you think you deserve to be on the page, e-mail me and I'll put your name up if credit is due. I make mistakes, too. Okay, enough with that depressing topic! I have more art hiding in my room, I just know it. I'll get scanning soon and have more stuff for you.

Aug 2, 2001

The Armoured Prophet section is now up. You can go see the story! It's mapped out as a couple words, then a picture. I didn't include the entire comic so that I could have peace of mind. Then, I have character bios. The pictures of the characters are taken from the pages of the comic I didn't use in the synopsis. I also have Q+A! Now, if someone asks me the same annoying questions I can just direct them to this site. And you can ask questions too! Please e-mail me and I will post your question and the answer. That's all for today!

Aug 1, 2001

Yes!! The site is up and running. So far only a few people have seen it, but that's ok. I'm not really done yet anyway. I still need to finish this page, the Thanks page, and the Links page. Not to mention I need to get done the main focus of the site, the "Armoured Prophet" section. I've started but I need to do a lot of scanning so maybe it'll be done in a couple days. I have worked in references to Armoured Prophet all through the site, so without that page this site has no point. So you can count on me to finish it. Also two people signed the guestbook! Thank you, thank you. Soon I will update again.

Main Page

Armoured Prophet

Armoured Prophet II

Armoured Prophet III

Armoured Prophet Information

Previous Comic Books

Who is Angela Jordan?



Note: No part of this site may be copied without my permission. All artwork on this site is copyright Angela Jordan unless otherwise noted.