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Date From- what your Report is Valid: **

Date To- what your Report is Valid: **
BD's Name: **
If Other, Please Specify: **

Your Row: **
If Other, Please Specify: **

Position of Houses 14 days before deletion: **
Position of Houses 7 days before deletion: **
Position of Houses with Broken Links: **
Position of Houses 1 day before deletion: **
Positions of Houses with Inapproporiate Links: **
Positions of Houses with Innapproporiate Names: **
Positions of Houses with ANY OTHER problems (Specify the problem): **
Positions of Houses checked out OK: **

Your Row: **
If Other, Please Specify: **

Position of Houses 14 days before deletion: ** Position of Houses 7 days before deletion: **
Position of Houses with Broken Links: **
Position of Houses 1 day before deletion: **
Positions of Houses with Inapproporiate Links: **
Positions of Houses with Innapproporiate Names: **
Positions of Houses with ANY OTHER problems (Specify the problem): **
Positions of Houses checked out OK: **