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The Utimate Mihoshi Profile

-The Ultimate Mihoshi Profile-

Name: Mihoshi Kuramitsu

Japanese Meaning: Beautiful Star


Age: 23

Occupation: Galaxy Policewoman

Height: 5’ 6"

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Blood Type: O

Hearts Desire: Tenchi

Space Ship: Yukinojyo

Personality: Friendly, nice,emotional, often ditzy, lazy, looks up to Kiyone(her partner), bashful, quick to apologize, and is also very hard to describe personality wise!

Equipment: GP standard blaster and her control cube, Mihoshi also holds the responsibilities and privileges of any galaxy police officer as a law enforcer.

Quote: “ Um......Nope, I don’t get it at all!”
“My password?...Uh...There was an old lady who lived in a shoe?”

Mihoshi is quiet a klutz and has a talent to mess up. She has good and bad side to her, she never seems to get into too much danger, but everyone around her is always in for something! But she’s not all that bad. She looks up to her partner in the Galaxy Police, Kiyone, but Mihoshi always seems to mess up something making Kiyone mad at her. But even still she likes Kiyone, even when she’s really pissed at her. Mihoshi is always quick to apologize for her mistakes. Mihoshi enjoys singing karaoke and sleeping. She’s a hopeless romantic and like reading “girls comics” with Sasami.

“How did she get into the Galaxy Police if she’s so clumsy?” you may ask. She got the job because her grandfather is the Grand Marshall of the Galaxy Police. Because of this fact anybody’s who’s her boss(her chief and commanding officer) has to take good care of her. She was assigned with Kiyone after graduating from GP Academy. As I told you before, Mihoshi loves spending time with her partner. Due to Mihoshi’s cluelessness, they were assigned to sector Sol, a supposedly quiet sector. Well sector Sol is where poor Tenchi lives, and it’s obvious nothing is normal around him.

Her control cube is impossible! Mihoshi’s control cube is suppose to be used to control her ship, Yukinojyo. When she plays with it, anything can happen.The sun can go out, a planet can turn backwards, who knows! Her space ship is cool too cuz it has artificial intelligence can form into different forms. The appearance of the ship changes often.

There is also a possible connection between Mihoshi and Washu...But that is nothing certain. All I know is that Washu had a child (which did have blonde hair), but it was taken from her because the father was somebody of high status, which could have been the Grand Marshall but I'm not sure.

Mihoshi's Fav Things To Do


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