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The Utimate Ryoko Profile

-The Ultimate Ryoko Profile-

Name: Ryoko

Japanese Spelling: Ryouko

Japanese Meaning: Demon Summoner


Physical Age: 17

True Age: 5,000+

Birthday: August 8

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Title: Class 1A Criminal, Space Pirate

Height: 5’6”

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Amber

Blood Type: AB

Heart’s Desire: Tenchi

Arch Rival: Princess Ayeka, Nagi, and Kagato

Personality:-Good Side- out going, humorous, playful, brash, kind to those who are kind to her and optimistic
-Bad Side- Argumentative, lazy, violent, loud, rude, foolish (when she’s drunk), protaganist, and mean.

Powers: Ryoko is probably the one of most powerful characters with her powers to teleport, phase with matter, fly, grow, use light saber and laser beams, summon and control demons, duplicate and regenerate, use hair needles, create force fields and use telepathy with Ryo-Ohki and Washu.

Spaceship: Ryo-Ohki

Quote: ”I didn’t do anything!”

Ryoko is sure something, an Oni ( an ancient Japanese devil) actualy. She causes so much trouble for poor lord Tenchi, as any space pirate would. She’s Washu’s daughter. Ryoko was created when Washu mixed one of her own egg cells with a simple life form called Mass. Ryoko is a space pirate, but currently she’s pursueing Tenchi, whom she fell in deep love with. The Juraian princess Ayeka has also set her heart on Tenchi. Ryoko and Ayeka are like fire and ice. They don’t mix. Their perosnalities are totally opposite, that probably why they don’t mix. Ayeka is quiet and polite while Ryoko is out going and brash. Who knows if they’ll ever find a happy medium to agree on.

Little is known about Ryoko's past before her battle with Yosho. Before and during the battle Ryoko was under the control of Kagato. He took over her after imprisoning Washu and taking Soja. Kagato used her to lead the only successful attack on Jurai. The power in her gems is so similar to that of Jurai's trees that she managed to slip by the Jurain border. During her attack on Jurai she shot down a ship that crashed into a building. Sasami was in that building and fell to her death. Kagato sent Ryoko there to find Tsunami and capture her. She could not find Tsunami and was forced to retreat. Yosho pursued her and eventually caught her on Earth.

After that she spent 700 years in the cave near the Masaki shrine. While trapped in the shine she created a pseudo-gem which she used to fight Tenchi with. That gem was incomplete when Tenchi found her. Tenchi later destroyed it during their fight. While Tenchi was growing up she watched over him and fell in love with him when he got older.

Note To Ryoko Lovers: Hi! I’m very sorry that I don’t have a lot of good things to say about Ryoko. I have gotten too into my character as Ayeka unfortunatly! I am not anit-Ryoko, nor do I hate her. Ryoko is a good character. So, sorry for my ignorance.

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