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The Utimate Sasami Profile

-The Ultimate Sasami Profile-

Name: Sasami Masaki Jurai

Japanese Meaning: Sandy Sami Beach


Physical Age: 8

True Age: 708

Birthday: February 14

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Title: Second Princess of Jurai

Height: 4’0”

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Pink

Blood Type: O


Mother: Misaki, queen of Jurai

Siblings: Ayeka, older sister

Heart’s Desire: Tenchi

Arch Rival: Too nice to have one ^_^

Personality: Very positive attitude, kind to everyone, happy-go-lucky, hopeless romantic, cute, helpful, innocent, VERY helpful with housework, respectful to her elders, and caring.

Powers: She doesn’t have many of her own powers, but since she linked to Tsunami she one of the more powerful characters.
_______________________________________________________ Sasami is Ayeka’s younger sister. Sasami is a paradox of childishness and maturity. While she enjoys the childhood pleasures she also harbors a deeper level of maturity. Being a member of the Jurain Royal Family she inherited some abilities. However, she lost these during her unfortunate incident.

Sasami was fatally wounded when Kagato commanded Ryoko to lead the first successful attack on Jurai. During the attack a Jurian battleship crashed into a building which Sasami was in. Sasami fell into a deep chasm where there were many trees of Jurai. One of these trees was Tsunami who sensed that Sasami was dying. Tsunami used some of her life force to save her. Ever since that time two triangular markings have been visible on her forehead.

Tsunami and Sasami are assimilated for the time being Sasami and Tsunami are separate beings but when Sasami grows up, she will become one Tsunami. Because of this Sasami is haunted my terrifying nightmares which occur frequently. They usually are visions of things to come. Not exactly the way they will occur but they give her an idea of what is going to happen. Her nightmares are not set in stone though, she can change the future by making others make different decisions that would lead to thier future. An example was of her dream that Tokimi would take Tenchi away from her when she needed him.

The triangular marks on Sasami's forehead are considered to be a status symbol on Jurai and that is something that all Jurians want. It represents power and only the most powerful of Jurains have them. Not even Yosho has these markings on his forehead. Some achieve this using make-up, however Sasami's are real, and so are Tenchi's.

Sasami and Ryo-Ohki have a strong friendship. Whenever you see Sasami, you normally see Ryo-Ohki! Sasami is the cook of the Masaki household and holds the greatest culinary skills. When Sasami is gone some where, the household gets hungry. Like in one episode of Tenchi in Tokyo where the rest of the girls try to steal her earnings in the middle of the night. She runs of to stay with Tenchi for awhile until the manner of the household cools down. This left the household starving for real food and try their own attempts of cooking. Lol! Made them learn their lesson ^_^!

Sasami also has her own alter ego called Pretty Sammy. This theory I really don’t understand so don’t ask! Lemme borrow an explanation from somebody else......

“Sasami seems pretty normal in the TV series too...until one of the time and space episodes when we are introduced to her alter-ego...Pretty Sammy! Now we're cooking with gas. Sure, you could say that the Tsunami super-identity is cool, but come on man...Sammy is a Magical Girl! Complete with her fuzzy sidekick Ryo-Ohki (who talks only in the specific TV episode and in the Pretty Sammy specials), Pretty Sammy must make the Earth...a happier place. Of course, Sammy's got a foil...another magical girl, Pixy Misa. In the Pretty Sammy OVAs (and television series), Tenchi is her brother and Washu is one of her teachers at school. The chemistry between Tenchi and Sasami is pretty consistent in all three incarnations. She takes to the role of sister quite well, and demonstrates much more concern for Tenchi's health and happiness than the bickering Ryoko and Ayeka. Despite her strange alter egos, she is still nearly the most normal of the characters in the Tenchi universe. “

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