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The Utimate Tenchi Profile

-The Ultimate Tenchi Profile-

Name: Tenchi Masaki

Japanese Meaning: Heaven and Earth


Age: 17

Height: 5’3”

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Mother: Achika Masaki

Father: Noboyuki Masaki

Hearts Desire: Nobody knows, but we all want to know!

Personality: nice, understanding, indecisive, responsible, loving, there are a lot of good things about Tenchi I just don’t know how to categorize hi personality! Agh! -_-;

Powers: Tenchi’s a powerful guy with his Lighthawk Wings. Lighthawk Wings change their form to suit their users need. For example one could be a sword another a shield and another armor.

Quote: "I would rather die, than forsake any one of them."

Tenchi is a rather confused guy! He’s got all these girls drooling over him and yet he can’t even pick one! ::sigh:: Oh well! He’s gotta pick one eventually or it’ll drive me nuts! He loves them all equally for now. I feel bad for the poor guy though.... he got two Jurain princesses, two galaxy policewomen, a space pirate, a scientific genius, and a cabbit in his house, all moving in in a short time! How would you like a large load of guests (not to mention ones from space!) moving in in a short time! Especially if all of them have the hots for YOU and they were always trying to win you over! Personally, I don’t know how he survives with all those girls (especially if they’re all PMSing!){ Although I wouldn’t mind a whole bunch of hot guys moving in with me!} Well at least he’s got his dad and grandfather around. I’ll just leave the factor of demons and bounty hunters out for now...

Tenchi has lived on earth for seventeen years going to school and training with his grandfather in swordplay over each summer. He got lazy in his home in the suburbs and didn’t practice all the time. Thing is, he never knew why he was doing all this sword training! Unfortunately, his mom died when Tenchi was young, but he grew up with his dad and grandfather. He grew up to be very responsible.

His grandfather sensed great power in Tenchi. He learned his lessons well and became an excellent swordsman. Tenchi can create up to three Lighthawk wings. I'm not sure if he was born with this ability or if gained it after being regenerated by Tsunami.

I’m not sure why Tenchi hasn’t chosen yet, maybe he doesn’t want to be beat up on! Lol!

Tenchi's Fav Things to Do


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