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The Utimate Ayeka Profile

-The Ultimate Ayeka Profile-

Name: Ayeka Masaki Jurai

Japanese Spelling: Aeka

Japanese Meaning: Delicate


Physical Age: 23

True Age: 723

Birthday: September 21

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Title: First Princess of Jurai
Height: 5’6”

Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: Pink

Blood Type: A

Father: Azusa, King of Jurai

Mother: Misaki, queen of Jurai

Siblings: Sasami, younger sister

Sapce Ship: Ryu-Oh

Heart’s Desire: Tenchi

Arch Rival: The Space Pirate, Ryoko


-Good Side- polite, soft-spoken, creative, caring, nice to those who are nice to her (forget Ryoko), responsible, helpful with house work, observant, and respectful to her elders
-Bad Side- bossy, snobbish, complains a lot, very much a type A personality (don’t get her mad or your in for it), and her uh secret (Go to the Lyrics to Call Me Princess to understand what I mean if you don’t already.)

Powers: With her log-like guardians, Azaka and Kamidake, this “delicate” princess can pack a powerful punch. Using various types of attacks and creating defensive force fields, Ayeka is pretty powerful.

It is rather shady about Ayeka's reason to coming to Earth. In one series it shows the Ayeka came to Earth in answer to a distress call put out by Mihoshi. In another she is searching for her betrothed Yosho, her half brother. Yosho had set out to search for Ryoko but was an excuse to leave Jurai. Even that is unclear on why Yosho left Jurai! The movie "Tenchi Forever" says he left Jurai because of love, but thats a different story and if you want to know how it comes out I strongly recommend "Tenchi Forever"( It’s sooo romantic! I cried at one point!).

However she got to earth, she fell deeply in love with Tenchi, like all the other girls in the Masaki household. Ryoko also holds the same love for Tenchi. This is a problem for Ryoko and Ayeka, who are in constant fights against each other over who loves Tenchi more. The question of which girl Tenchi loves most is also up in the air a lot. Tenchi acts as the middleman in these fights, telling them both that he loves them equally.

Who knows who he really loves the most? We’ll learn eventually. Personally I think Ayeka is best for Tenchi. Why do you ask? She had been learning all her life the customs and laws of Jurain royalty. Also because of the good side of her personality. I don’t think she’s ever shown a lot of her bad side to Tenchi.

Ayeka is my favorite character. Why may you ask? Because I’m like her! One time when me and my anime adoring fans got together for a Tenchi party, we got dressed in cosplay. When I finished my ensemble, ( I was Ayeka of cores) , my friends were seriously scared! Lol! My best friend’s getting the pictures soon and I’ll post the pics on the page as soon as I get them.

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