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"Greetings traveller. What brings you to Ansalon? Ah no matter, you look weary, come and sit. There now. Comfortable? Good. Welcome to Ansalon, the greatest continent on all of Krynn. Now don't argue with me, you know that it is! What say you? You've never heard of it? By Reorx' Beard I've never met anyone who hasn't heard of a place as great as this! Well, in that case, I'll have to tell you all about it! The city you are in right now, is Palanthas; perhaps one of the most diverse cities in all the continent. Why, on a regular market day you will encounter people of any race imaginable! Humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, and yes, even those incessant kender. What, you've never heard of kender? Or dwarves or elves? What kind of crazy planet do you come from?! No matter, you will find out soon enough. Why don't you go on and explore? I cannot provide all the information alone, you shall have to go and see for yourself..." (Pic on the right is by me--->)

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