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Madison's Profile

US Name: Madison Taylor

Japanese Name: Tomoyo Daidouji

Birthday: September 3

Blood type: A

Favorite class: Music and Japanese

Least favorite class: ?

School club: Choir

Favorite color: Beige and white

Favorite flower: Magnolia and Cherry Blossom

Favorite food: Soba (buckwheat) noodles and sushi

Least favorite food: Green pepper

Best dish: Italian

Most wanted: Video equipment

Hobby: Taping Sakura on her captures and making Sakura's costumes

Most Prized Possession: An eraser given to her by Sakura

Madison is the sweet girl behind the camera. She's caring, smart, and pretty. Madison is Sakura's best friend and number 1 fan. She's also the one behind all the cute and cool costumes that Sakura wears on all her card capture adventures. She felt that being a Card Captor, she needed something more too it and suggested that Sakura wear special clothes for those occasions. Each one different and high quality fashion style provided by none only herself, Madison.

Aside from making cool costumes for her Card Captor friend, she enjoys taping things on her camcorder. Sakura isn't the only one who captures things, Madison does her own little capturing. She absolutely loves taping Sakura on her adventures or just taping Sakura for any other reason, like her first date with Julian. If there's anything she enjoys most, it's that. She's an interesting girl.

Well, this 4th grader also comes from a wealthy family. Her mother owns a large company that is quite successful. So, Madison is pretty much set with the finest things.

Madison's infatuation with Sakura appears only as friendship, but to others it looks like a bit more... is it true? Who knows...
