[Lesson 1: The Cards] [Lesson 2: Deck Construction/ Game Setup] [Lesson 3: Game Play] [Lesson 4: Scavenging] [Lesson 5: Combat]

Lesson 5 Part 2: Charm Combat Charm combat can be really usefull, why?
Because in charm combat You can control your opponent's character if you win.
Heres how you do it:
First you choose who you're trying to charm, and who's trying to charm that character. Whoever has the higher charm wins. You also draw combat cards for this and add or subtract from charm.
Only one character may charm one other character. If you win you can do any of the following:
gain control of whoever you charmed for × rounds. × is equal to how much you won by (Example: You have charm of 4. You opponent has a charm of 3. 4-3 is one so you control that character for 1 round)
Take an item from that character
Move away Move the character it's max number of movement points.
Charm Backfire: If you lose then nothing happens: Unless you lose by more then your base charm, then your opponent gets to control or do any of the above to your character.
Also you can charm disasters if they have a charm stat.
Heres an example of a charm combat:

Belldandy lost: Normally, since Belldandy started the charm combat, nothing would happen. If Belldandy lost by more then 6 then Belldandy would be charmed by Vegeta. This is a normal situation, Nothing happens

That's it! Go get some cards (You can print some off my site or go to your local card retailer store and try to get some animayhem cards)

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