These are site to stay away from. I have my
reasons, which you should think about. - Whoever
watches the anime and reviews them must
not like anime. He/she gave Ghost in the
shell a 6/10, saying you had to watch it three
or four times, and that the concept
was too confusing for the average person.
Those are good things, they MAKE YOU THINK.
And also, this person gave Evangelion an
8/10, despite the "In dealing with deep
metaphysical and religious themes, it brings
out the baffling questions of 'why do we live',
'where do we go', 'where do we come from', and
'where are we going?'" and that makes it sound
good, but he/she still gave it a'B.' He/she also
slapped a 18+ on to Evangelion, as if it was
hentai or something. It's not, it's a TV SHOW.
If they do show nudity, it's like they are wearing
a skin colored shirt or something. Unless you
don't like anime, and are really picky
or don't like animes that make you think
to hard stay away from this site
This person said "In this respect, this
Anime has no originality and it is not worth seeing."

about Vision of Escaflowne which many say is their
favorite anime. Has
this guy beaten some of the games he reviews? He said
wild arms had a really bad plot, and anyone that plays the
game all the way to the end knows that this the plot to wild
arms is really good, and the ending is sad (cry sad, not
pathetic sad) and he gave Blood Omen a 2/10. That's like
saying the game isn't even worth looking at and no
one would like it. It's not that bad a game.