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Konnichiwa! Thank you for coming by and meeting my daughter, Annika. I have pulled out some of my favorite pictures of her for you to see. Before you begin I just have to tell you how much joy Annika has brought to my life. She is a very shy, sweet child. I admit sometimes I wonder how I ended up with such a timid and sensitive child but since she is my daughter it doesn't matter so much. I am proud of her because she is a true daughter of Mars. She is an excellent Sailor Senshi. I love her with all my heart.

Name: Annika a.k.a Sailor Chibi Mars.
Middle Name: Raye
Age:I am six years younger than Rini so I am eight in the stories. I am in the third grade.
Family: Daughter of Sailor Mars(Raye) and Mars Knight(Chad)
Powers: Mars Power make up,Mars Burning Flames and Mars Firestorm.
Special Powers and abilities: Like my mother I have a sixth sense. I don't want it but like Mama says I am stuck with it. It does come in handy when evil is nearby. Sailor Cosmic Moon and the other Chibi Senshi rely on me for that.
Favorite Colors: Purple and Red.
Personal Info: I have inherited my mother's sixth sense and spiritual powers but not her temper. Everyone tells me I am sweet and sensitive. I am also very shy. I hate being in the center of attention. I am very attached to my mother. I am also very close to Sailor Mercury. Gloria and I may fight a lot but she is my best friend. I cry a lot but Gloria always sticks up for me. Hope is also one of my best friends.
Hair Color: Purple
Eyes: Purple
My Guardian: Stardust the pink kitten and daughter of Diana.
My Mentor: Sailor Mercury
Hobbies: Meditating and crafts. I also like drawing.

Annika looks so cute in this picture.

Here is a cute picture of Annika in a
sundress drinking Lemonade.

Annika in her kimono drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika wearing an angel
costume drawn by: Starlight Angel

Senshi of Fire drawn by: Consuelo

Chibi Mars with Stardust drawn by: Copy Cabbit 15

Annika with her Transformation Pen drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika in her school uniform drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika dressed in a winter outfit. She is holding the stuffed Stardust she made drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika picking flowers on a hot summer day drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika dressed in her princess gown drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika holding her guardian, Stardust, drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika sitting on her bed with some of her stuffed animals. Stardust is sitting next to her, drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika dressed her her Shinto robes getting ready to meditate drawn by: Angel Raye

Kawaii pic of Annika looking so cheerful, drawn by: Angel Raye

Chibi Mars drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika dressed in traditional Chinese attire with Stardust in her arms drawn by: Copy cabbit

Annika under a cherry blossom tree drawn by: Angel Raye

Chibi Mars in front of the Mars symbol, drawn by: Angel Raye

Kawaii Annika ready for bed drawn by: Starlight Angel

Annika in her school uniform, drawn by: Bunny

Kawaii Annika standing in front of the palace pond, one of her favorite places drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika sitting in an armchair, drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika crying by the pond drawn by: Angel Raye

Chibi Mars preparing to attack the enemy
drawn by: Angel Raye

A kawaii picture of Annika drawn by: Ame-chan

Annika in her swimsuit
drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika sitting by the window holding her stuffed Stardust drawn by: Angel Raye

Kawaii pic of Annika in the palace halls drawn by: Angel Raye

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