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Chibi Scout group pics

Daisy, Gloria, and Annika at lunch.

Daisy, Gloria, and Annika; donated by: Wonderful Miracle.

Chibi Venus and Chibi Jupiter; donated by: Wonderful Miracle.

Chibi Neptune and Chibi Uranus; drawn by: Gaby.

Inner scouts; drawn by: Gabriela.

The Chibi Senshi in their school uniforms; drawn by: Starlight Angel.

Kawaii picture of Daisy, Annika, and Ariel; drawn by: Angel Raye.

Kawaii picture of Madelyn, Rini and Hope; drawn by: Angel Raye.

Maggie is embarrased to be in a picture with Gloria and Faith who had just gotten into fights; drawn by: Angel Raye.

Faith and Hope, drawn by: Bunny

Hope and Ariel, now good friends; drawn by: Angel Raye.

Daisy and Annika, drawn by: Angel Raye

The Inner Chibi Senshi; drawn by: Angel Raye.

The Inner Chibi Senshi

Annika and Hope in dance costumes drawn by: Angel Raye.

The outer Chibi Scouts, drawn by: Angel Raye

Maggie and Ariel outside drawn by: Angel Raye.

Gloria and Daisy, angry at each other, drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika and Hope drawn by: Angel Raye.

Rini and Ariel, drawn by: Angel Raye

Annika and Maggie drawn by: Angel Raye.

Daisy loans Annika a halping hand while ice skating, drawn by: Angel Raye

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