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Konnichiwa and thank you for coming by and seeing my daughter, Rini a.k.a Small Lady. Of course all of you have already met her but she is now fourteen and the leader of her own team. I have found some pictures but not all of them are of her as a teenager. I am not ready to admit that she is growing up. She is one of the most important people in the world to me.

Sailor Cosmic Moon as she looks today.

Rini with her Luna Ball.

Rini growing up a little too fast.

Rini with her Transformation Broach drawn by: Angel Raye

Rini in her kimono drawn by: Angel Raye

Rini with her special friend, Helios.

Sailor Cosmic Moon.
drawn byAngel Raye

Rini drawn by: Consuelo

Rini in her school uniform.
drawn byAngel Raye

Rini dressed in winter attire drawn by: Angel Raye

Cosmic Moon in front of her symbol.
drawn byAngel Raye

Rini dressed in an evening gown drawn by: Bunny

Rini and Diana dressed in Chinese attire.
drawn byCopy cabbit

Rini as a little girl with her Luna Ball drawn by: Angel Raye

Rini walking among the flowers.
drawn byAngel Raye

Rini on the moon drawn by: Angel Raye

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