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days until I end High School FOREVER!
So, are you bored? Here. Get into Korean pop music (or K-Pop.) It's really fun, and way better than anything Americans can throw at us.
And, for all you wusses who want to stay withing our language: Britpop/rock. Great stuff. (See: Gareth Gates)
You know what? I have not updated anything for so long, that there is nothing left to update. This is old news, but check it out anyways. SNO-DAZE!
Look at all the (old) newness! More for the insane viewer to, well, view! And now you can find us at:
And, with a new address, we come equipped with a new mascot as well!
This here is Graham Coxon (ex-member of) Blur at a very very early age. Graham likes playing his guitar, his saxophone, and being the mascot for Chibi! Let's give it up for Graham!
Oh, what the heck. As a cheap market ploy to tell your friends to come here, I have decided to write the Chibi! theme song, which goes as follows:
(Somewhat sung to the Monkees theme song.)
Hey hey, come to Chibi! People say it's a cool site! I'm too busy with homework, to make anything old right. I'm just tryin' to be friendly! Get my point across! Tell you what the truth is, my own site makes me lost.
Feedback? Tell me by writing to
Check out the closest thing to being new (next to the unoriginal newer things...what newer things?):
QUASI-WARNING!: Features featured in the scoll-down menu (or any other menu) are all but unupdated!
Select a webpage below to go there:
For you that don't want to open another page, there is this another solution. Click on the star to see what:
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(c) 2003, Chibi! Entertainment