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|:Contests:| |:Story:| |:Character Pics:|
|:Lottery:| |:Members:| |:Medicine Shop:|
|:Donation Shop (Official Guild Shop):| |:Battles:| |:Drives:|
|:Quests!:| |:Newbies:| |:Intro to Guild:|


StarIle: 17 NPS

Cookiin: 9,000+ many, MANY Items NPS

pastora: 920 NPs
Total: 16,414 NPs
*Note: Scores listed are the total nps donated to the guild by the listed member.
The Total score signifies how much money the guild has in the bank (as of the last up-date)!

Credits: Lots of thanks to Ile (Starile) for helping out with the website! She has won a prize for all her efforts!
Many many thanx to Tulae (tulae) who made the background and the Medicine Shop Banner! She also gets a prize!
*Website last updated August 30, 2003*
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