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Sakura Gallery

Neko Sakura
You can't say I don't update much. Today I added 34 pictures! This site now features a whopping 54 pictures of Sakura! *fingers fall off* Ouch...
More pictures! Lots of them this time! They've been collecting on my harddrive! Enjoy!
I finally added some more Sakura pictures. I know, 3 isn't much, but I haven't had much time. I just got back from Japan (with a ton of Cardcaptor stuff to scan!). Once I scan some pictures from my artbook, I'll have more to post.

Startup of the Sakura gallery

Sakura with staff Sakura wearing a bunny-santa-jacket thingy. Sakura trying to capture the Sweet card, I think. Awsome pic of Sakura and Kero in the wind with cherry blossoms.
Sakura fighting this odd, fire... thingie. I'm not sure exactly what it is. Sakura on fly in school uniform. Sakura with Fly. Sakura in the red dress with Kero and a card.
Chibi Sakura and Kero! Sakura wearing the red dress again, with Kero and the staff. Manga Sakura with staff. Sakura waking up, Kero's holding the clock! How cute!
Sakura holding Kero. I love this pic! It's so cute! Manga pic of Sakura and Kero Cute pic of Sakura on fly. But doesn't it look like she would fall off? I mean, at that angle, you'd just slide right off. Sakura with staff and Kero.
Sakura from the 2nd movie, with the staff. Sakura wearing a kimono. I love the pic of Kero in the background. Sakura on a tube in the water. Manga Sakura holding a fish.
Kawaii Neko Sakura wallpaper Manga Sakura wearing a big hat. The moon actually looks like part of it. Sakura holding a card. From the 1st opening Putting her hair into those cute pigtails
I think this is from the episode where Sakura forgets about her dream (which actually happens frequently) Sakura with the Sakura Cards Sakura's costume from the 3rd opening Sakura's costume from the begining of the 2nd movie
Here it is again. This is my favorite picture of it. Begining to sense a theme? I really like this costume.
In fact, I'm going to make it for a convention eventually. Sakura looking up at the rain. Sakura wearing the red dress with Kero Picture of Sakura looking at the rain from the back of the 3rd soundtrack.
I love this picture! Little Sakuras! Sakura with the Clow Cards Sakura with her eyes closed. Sakura in the Platina costume again with Kero. This is the cover for the 3rd season art book.
Manga Sakura wearing a kimono Sakura with her costume from the begining of the 1st movie giving us the peace sign! Poster I saw on Ebay of Sakura in the summer uniform Kawaii Sakura on her rollarblades.
Going down the waterslide! Little Sakura on a flower. Sakura's costume from the episode with the Song Card. Sakura with her staff from the 2nd movie.
Sakura on her rollarblades swinging Kero Kawaii Sakura in the umbrella dress. Sakura vs. Fight Sakura in a sunflower field holding a dragonfly.
Pretty wallpaper of Sakura in the Platina costume. Sakura's costume from her fight with Eriol.

Cardcaptor Sakura does not belong to me, unfortunatly. It belongs to the wonderful people at CLAMP. However, many graphics were created by me, so please email me before you take anything. Thanks.

Background from Web of Dreams