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Super Cherry
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Old Updates
For those of you who really wanna know

After a nice break, there was another update to Super Cherry. Nothing big, but that's okay. I added the counter contest! Check above for details. Good luck to all!

Today is the biggest update Super Cherry has ever had! I completely re-did the layout(which is now easier for me to update and added a page about CLAMP. This was so much work.... *dies*

Alot happened tonight! I added 20-some piccies to the Group Gallery. I also made the Fandom section, transfered the fanfiction, and made the doujinshi page. And two nights in a row! Yeah!

Huuuuuuge update tonight! I added 3 pictures in the Li gallery and 34 in the Sakura gallery! My fingers are ready to fall off. Hehe. Lots more is on the way! I'm working on a doujinshi section right now! Oh, if anyone wants to submit a fanart piccie, just email me. Thanks.

I finally coded the 1st tape summaries! Be glad! Tee hee! Oh, and I added another fanfic ("Don't Turn Around, by me).

The Otakon pictures are up! There are so many this year! Check them out!

I'm back from Otakon! It was sooooo much fun! I took lots of pictures! Once I get a nice chunk of time, I'll upload them to the Cosplay page. Oh, I also added this cute picture of Kero on the Episode Summary pages. It symbolizes when an episode is a personal favorite of mine. Plus I thought it was really cute! Check it out!

Added the intro page! Like the piccie? Tee hee! *dances off happily*

I have been on such a roll, it's scary. Now you can expect no updates for a couple months. Hehe, ya never know. Anyway, I added the Fanfics and Cosplay sections! Well, actually, fanfics has been there for a while, but i've been too lazy to link it, but cosplay I did today! Enjoy!

Wow! I'm on a role! Two updates in two days! Well, I added the summaries of tapes 3 and 8 (episodes 9-12 and episodes 29-32).

I linked the Eriol gallery! Enjoy! Oh, and now that it's summer, I'll have more time to update! And I have a bunch of stuff to add!

Added the descriptions of the 5th tape. They 4th is on the way (I'm working on it now, but it may take a while, because I have so much schoolwork). Oh, I'm also working on a Cosplay page (I was Summer Uniform Sakura at Otakon 2001.) with some costumes made by me, my friends, and other cool Cardcaptor Sakura costumes we saw.

More updates! I added counters on every page and "Everything Kero!"

Hiya everyone! I've been doing some major updating! Series Info has started! I'm changing around some of the downloads, since I'm running out of space *gasp*! Oh, and I added the falling feathers. Pretty, ne? I have atleast 30 group pictures to be uploaded, but I may not get around to that for a while, so stick with me!

Yay! An update! I'm playing around with the layout a bit, so some things may seem kinda odd for a while. And I'm planning to upload some more pics! (I have a ton on my hard-drive)

Darn it took a while to update! I just got back from Japan with lots of cool stuff to scan! So, look for more updates.

Added a counter and a spiffy new background!

Update! Wahoo! Alrighty, well, the card list was completed and the lyrics to the english Cardcaptors opening was posted. That's about it for now!

April 18, 2001
Super Cherry was born!

Cardcaptor Sakura does not belong to me, unfortunatly. It belongs to the wonderful people at CLAMP. However, many graphics were created by me, so please email me before you take anything. Thanks.

Background from Web of Dreams