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Sakura Kinomoto
English Name: Sakura Avalon
Birthday: April 1st
Sakura's a genki (energenic) 4th grader who goes to Tomeoda Elementary School. She lives with her father and older brother, Touya. Sakura's mother died when she was very young, so she doesn't really remember her. One day, Sakura accidentally opened the Clow Book and released the cards. Kero came off the cover of the book and made her a Cardcaptor, which is, in Kero's words: "Cardcaptor. One who captures cards. Sounds cool, ne?"
Relationships: Sakura's been best friends with Tomoyo since, I think it was 1st grade. Oh, I don't know. When Syaoran came, she was a little afraid of him, (I would be too, if someone glared at me all day) but they eventually become friends (she calls him Li-kun for the first part of the series, but Syaoran-kun once they become good friends >^_^<). Sakura has a BIG crush on Yuki, Touya's friend.
By the end of the series, Sakura falls in love with Syaoran! *does a happy dance* But when the cards are all captured, he has to go back to Hong Kong! *cries* It was sooooooooo sad! *sniff*
Sakura also becomes... the new mistress of the Clow Cards! Wahoo! But we all knew that... anyway, she then has to turn the cards into Sakura Cards. That's the whole 3rd season of the show. Then Eriol comes in (>^_^<) and all that fun whatnot.