Tomoyo Daidouji
English Name: Madison Taylor
Birthday: September 3rd
Tomoyo is an... interesting character. She's always carrying around a video camera and somehow has fifty backup costumes waiting at all times. She's great at sewing and has made all of Sakura's costumes. She's also a great cook and a very good singer.
Relationships: Tomoyo has been best friends with Sakura for many years. She often seems a little.. intense.
Tomoyo has absolutely no magical powers! Ta da! Aren't you suprised! However, she always tapes whenever Sakura and Syaoran capture a card. Since she doesn't have powers, she's often the victim of a card (like Song and Voice). The only surprising thing is that she's Sakura's cousin. I honestly don't know how you could not know that someone is your cousin, but that's just me.