Well, I made my own Sephiroth costume. I had a hard time coming up with methods to do things, and this was my first time working with foam rubber. I bought leather trench coat off of ebay for like $30. I made the shoulder pads and belt out of foam rubber. The boots are the only part of the costume I'm actually happy with. I bought some black sweat pants and cut them off right below the knee. Then I bought some swooshie pants and cut those off to look lke the boots. And I used the extra material to glue to the slip-on shoes. Originally I had metal stips below the knees and around the wrists, but they wouldn't stay. So at the next con (AMA '01) I just used white tape. The wig was ordered grey but came in black with a couple grey strands...with only a couple days till the con left, what was I supposed to do? ...Spraypaint it!! That worked pretty good. The wig was always so fuggin poofy and I don't know why...prolly cause it was the cheap kind. -_- I tried cutting in several times, but that only made it poofier! The sword is made from Doug Fur and is painted with car paint. The hilt was made from foam rubber and just slipped over. Overall, I think this was one of my worst costumes. I want to make another one so I can actually do a good job! Sephiroth was at Ohayocon 02 and AMA 02 |