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My Writings

This is where all my sayings and writings will be.


Marie you are so beautiful to me
From your gorgeous face to your stunning personality
You are so kind and gentle which makes me yearn to stay
But your ruthless emotions drive me away

We are so much alike
But sometimes we fight
When I'm with you I forget my pain
Because of you I remain sane

Marie if you could only see
What goes through my mind day by day
It makes me want to say to you
Marie you mean something to me
Marie you are so beautiful to me

"Black Hole"

I have fallen into a black hole
My world has neither sped up or become surpressed
I feel weightless and compressed
My mind and body can't stop to rest

I am lost in it's cold darkness
I fear I am becoming some what heartless
Trapt in the vortex's powerful might
I will contine the endless fight
Searching in the darkness for a ray of light

"The Feeling"

The feeling I want and seek
Is now become dull and weak
I try to make it work
But it just drives me beserk

This feeling is helping none
This feeling is now cumbersome
The feeling is represented by two doves
The feeling that's weak is the feeling of love


My hatred keeps growing stronger
Compressed inside I can not hold any longer
Eating me like a deadly cancer
This hatred I must and can not answer
For if I do it will end the same
Pain and suffering in a rage untamed
I can't let this get the best of me
Alone I must stop this from controlling me

"The Rose"

The rose has beauty
No one can see the truth
It's thorns stab like knives


1. Life is to short so love the one you got because you might get run over or you might get shot
2. You plant peas you get peas
3. Listen to nothing you hear and only half of what you see
4. One man's trash is another one's treasure
5. No matter how good you think you are, there always is a bigger, badder, dog in the yard
6. Different brings change, the same will always be the same
7. You must believe in yourself before others believe too.
8. Somtimes you can't do it alone
9. Every rose has it's thorn
10. Life is a road filled with confusion, pain, happiness, descisions, and obstacles
11. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink water.
12. Actions speak louder than words
13. Treat others the way you want to be treated
14. To the world you may be someone but to someone you may be the world
15. Live for today not for tommorrow or yesterday
16. Live and let live
17. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to accept change
18. No matter how bad you think your life is there is always someone who would switch lives in a heartbeat
19. Never give up because giving up is the first step in accepting failure
20. Sometimes silence is golden

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