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Episode 1 - The mysterious Dragon balls appear!! Son Goku becomes a child!?

Gokuu and Uubu are in Kami-sama’s palace, raining and smashing away at each other. Around 10 years have passed since the end of Dragon Ball Z, and Uubu looks to be a very strong teenager now. The damage to the Palace is enormous, and Mr. Popo and Dende are getting nervous over it.

Meanwhile Pilaf, Shuu and Mai (all three of them looking really old now) are in a set of robots, climbing the outside of the Palace. When they get inside, they eventually locate all seven Dragon Balls (lying in a skeleton-filled urn.) These are the Black Dragon Balls, rumored to be better than the original set.

Eventually, Uubu and Gokuu finish their training, step out into the open, and collapse Dende and Mr. Popo heal them. Everyone trades greetings and words of thanks. Then, Uubu flies off to return to his own life.

Before Pilaf can summon Shenlon, Shuu is overcome with emotion at getting this far for the first time, and Mai reminds them that this is about the point where they always get interrupted. Pilaf hopes to avoid all interruptions this time. Pilaf is again dreaming of world domination, and he summons Shenlon. Meanwhile, Gokuu empties Dende’s larder; still hungry, he wanders the Palace and notices that the sky has suddenly turned dark. Confused, Gokuu tries to find out what’s going on, and happens upon Pilaf. Gokuu is surprised to see Pilaf after so many decades, and he marvels over this. Pilaf rages that Gokuu is so big now, and he orders his robots to launch missiles at Gokuu. Gokuu easily catches the missiles, and Pilaf insanely wishes that Gokuu was small again, and therefore easier to defeat.

Shenlon says “So be it”, and Gokuu is turned into a child once more. Shenlon claims that the wish has been fulfilled, and all 7 Balls fly off in separate directions. Dende and Mr. Popo arrive, and are shocked to see Gokuu transformed.

Kaiou-sama telepathically tells Dende and crew that only the Black Dragon Balls can be used to reverse the wish, and the Balls have been scattered across the galaxy. Gokuu is taking being a kid in stride, and since there’s nothing else that he can do at this point, he decides to fly down to Earth to get something more to eat. In Satan City, Pan (who is now a young teenager and dressed like a “slacker” version of Beederu) and a potential boyfriend are wandering the streets. Pan wants to go to a movie, and the boyfriend wants to keep pressing against her. While Kamesennin has hit the city as well, and is trying to track down Pan (he makes sure that he bumps into the tushes of every pretty woman along the way.)

However, there is a hostage situation at a bank near the theater, and the police have cordoned off the area. The bad guys have fun shooting up cars and terrorizing the police. The police had decided to send in a disguised police woman to give the villains meals spiked with knockout drops. Unfortunately, the villains expected this, and they feed the food to a hostage cop—the cop passes out. The villains continue to blow up the city. The resulting shockwaves disturb Gokuu’s meal at a nearby Chinese restaurant. He comes out to see what is wrong.

Gokuu anticipates being able to beat up baddies, but is thwarted by Pan, who tells the little boy to not get in the way. Pan beats the snot out of the bad guys as Gokuu watches. The potential boyfriend becomes scared of Pan’s prowess, and runs away (not the first time this has happened, either.) Then, Kamesennin arrives and both children yell out his name. Kamesennin quickly believes that this is a weird little Gokuu, but Pan thinks that there is something wrong here. (It’s been a long time since anyone’s seen Gokuu, or since he’s seen any of them.)

The group goes to Gokuu’s house, and everyone speculates over whether the original Dragon Balls can restore Gokuu until Kaiou-sama calls in to mention a problem he’d missed before. It seems that if the Black Dragon Balls aren’t gathered up within a year, the Earth will explode. Everyone is shocked at this.

And so, Gokuu’s new adventure begins.


The episode starts as Goku is fighting Uubu on Sky Palace. The 2 of them duke it out tremendously until both faint from exhaustion and Dende actually asks Mr. Popo for a doctor. Goku and Uubu wake up after awhile and Goku informs Dende that that fight wasn’t Uubu’s graduation exam, Goku just wanted to have a good fight with Uubu and it turns out that they’re both still tied in the way of fighting. Now, we see Pilaf, Mai, and Shou sneaking into a chamber that contains the Ultimate Dragonballs, created by the previous God before he split with Piccolo. These dragonballs have black stars instead of red stars, which is why they’re called the Black Star Dragonballs. Just as everybody else is looking at the damage Goku and Uubu caused and Dende is reassuring the 2 that Mr. Popo can fix it all, a gigantic, red, transparent dragon appears before them. Everyone goes to the scene and sees that Pilaf, Mai, and Shou are the culprits. Pilaf is preparing to take over the world once again, and when he sees Goku, he gets all mad and says he wishes Goku were a kid again so Pilaf could beat him up again. The dragon takes this as a wish and turns Goku into a kid and disappears. Pilaf is disappointed because that wish was intended for world domination and he runs off in horror, never to be seen again. Goku says he doesn’t mind being a child, but little does he know that Kaiosama is listening to him and realizes that Goku doesn’t recognize how serious his case is. Goku flies back to Earth and sees his granddaughter, Pan, with her date. A group of bank robbers come in and Pan tries to protect Goku, thinking he’s an ordinary kid and beats up the bank robbers. Pan’s date runs off which gets Pan mad. Now, we see the Turtle Elder coming over to look at all the ‘young gals’ and has to feel every one of them and be his usual, perverted self until an older woman yells at him. The Turtle Elder sees Goku and picks him up and swings him in the air after Goku finally convinces him that he’s Goku. Back at the Son residence, Chi-Chi is all cried up because she finds it offensive that Goku became a kid, so Gohan and Goten try to talk to him until Kaiosama telepathically interrupts their conversation. He says that Goku was wished back to childhood by the Black Star Dragonballs, which scatter all over the universe, not just over Earth. He also says that if Goku doesn’t find them within 1 year, the Earth will explode! He prepares to go with Goten and Trunks all over the universe to find these Dragonballs.

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