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My Fanfiction

Debt by Kiwikiipaa
Xellos rescues Martina from a gang of bandits. How does she repay him? Oh, you'll just have to read. Takes place in NEXT. A little bit of Lime.
[ Slayers | R ]
[ Xellos x Martina ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Footsies by Kiwikiipaa
Xellos decides to play 'footsies' with Lina! But what effect will it have on her? Gotta love those angsty Xellos & Lina get-togethers!
[ Slayers | PG ]
[ Xellos x Lina ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Goodbye To Love by Kiwikiipaa
Yamcha's thoughts on 'The Breakup'. A One Shot and a Songfic
[ Dragonball | PG ]
[ Yamcha x No One ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Mine by Kiwikiipaa
Goten invites Paresu over for dinner to propose to her. But what happens when she never shows up? A slightly sad G/P fic.
[ Dragonball | PG-13 ]
[ Goten x Paresu ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Two Separate Worlds, Both Destroyed by Kiwikiipaa
Set in an alternative universe, two people have exactly what eachother need, but they live in two separate worlds. He is feeling things that shouldn't be there, she is missing something that should be there. Together, who knows...
[ Dragonball | PG-13 ]
[ Kakkorot x ChiChi ]
[ Vegeta x Bulma ]
[ Incomplete | Six Chapters ]
[ Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]

Others Fanfiction

A Little Holiday Romance by Tenshi-chan
A holiday tale where Goku surprises Chichi with a little Christmas romance.
[ Dragonball | PG ]
[ Goku x ChiChi ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

A Match Made in... Heaven? by Eisha
Princess ChiChi and Prince Vejita are betrothed, to ensure an alliance between Chikyuu and Vejita-sei. But what happens when a machine-happy scientist and a legendary burglar team up to guarantee the termination of the engagement? Chaos, of course. An A/U
[ Dragonball | PG-13 ]
[ Vegeta x Bulma ]
[ Goku x ChiChi ]
[ Incomplete | Three Chapters ]
[ Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 ]

Abyss of Thought by Moonspark
Amelia is thinking about a special someone in her life. A sad little fic.
[ Slayers | PG ]
[ Zelgadis x Amelia ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Birds And The Bees by Ruby Moon Metallium
Val is reborn and he's got himself a little friend. Filia doesn't think he's the right age for a girlfriend and Xellos suggests giving him the talk...
[ Slayers | PG-13 ]
[ Xellos x Filia ]
[ Incomplete | One Chapter ]
[ 1 ]

Breath: Reflects by ChibiSerenaP
When Strangers arrive on Earth, what happens to Goten's love, Bra?
[ Dragonball | PG-13 ]
[ Goten x Bra ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Confessions by Meeshy
Xellos challenges Filia to a drinking contest to decide which race is better; Ryuzoku or Mazoku.
[ Slayers | PG-13 ]
[ Xellos x Filia ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Cry by Destructive Sorceress
Amelia goes to talk to Zelgadis, but what develops is much, much more than a conversation.
[ Slayers | G ]
[ Zelgadis x Amelia ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Doing the Best I Can by Crystal Dawn Phoenix
A sweet little holiday tale about Xellos & Filia!
[ Slayers | G ]
[ Xellos x Filia ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Eyes On Me by Rik
Zelgadis watches Amelia from across the tavern. A cute Z/A songficcy
[ Slayers | G ]
[ Zelgadis x Amelia ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

I Hope You Dance by Destructive Sorceress
Zelgadis' pain is beggining to affect Amelia too. A Songfic
[ Slayers | G ]
[ Zelgadis x Amelia ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

I Will Never Be The Same by ChibiSerenaP
Bra is moving away to become a model. What does Goten think of all this? They haven't told each other how they feel, and they only have one night to get things right! G/B with slight T/P.
[ Dragonball | R ]
[ Goten x Bra ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Illumination by Juu-Ou
Zelgadis wakes up to find Amelia didn't wake him up for his watch again.
[ Slayers | G ]
[ Zelgadis x Amelia ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

It Could've Been Me by Birdee
Marron just got married to Uub. But what about Trunks? A T/M songfic with a mention G/B but nothing more. Really sad.
[ Dragonball | PG ]
[ Trunks x Marron ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Let Me Be Your Hero by Debs-dragon
A really sweet Krillin and Juuhachigou (18) get together. A songfic also.
[ Dragonball | G ]
[ Krillin x Juuhachigou ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Lilac Memories by Thorn Maverick
Goku takes care of ChiChi when she becomes feverish and passes out. What'll happen when she wakes up to see Goku taking care of her for once? This has no set time so it is AU.
[ Dragonball | G ]
[ Goku x ChiChi ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Not Alone by Smabbi-chan
Trunks and Pan have a saiya-jin bond...a bond that's meant to keep them close, no matter what. Now that bond is going to be put to the ultimate test. Failure means death, and they're coming awfully close.
[ Dragonball | PG-13 ]
[ Trunks x Pan ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Painful Realization by Crimson Haze
Lina begins to wonder why she starts to miss our favorite trickster, Xellos!
[ Slayers | PG ]
[ Xellos x Lina ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Power of Love by Hidden Angel
When Prince Vegeta is sent on a conquering mission of a far off planet and meets a poor yet brilliant girl, he falls desperately in love. An A/U.
[ Dragonball | PG-13 ]
[ Vegeta x Bulma ]
[ Kakkorot x ChiChi ]
[ Incomplete | Twenty Chapters ]
[ Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]
[ 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 ]
[ 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 ]
[ 20 ]

Star Gazing by Relm Wanderer
Lina decides to go star gazing and is joined by our favorite Chimera!
[ Slayers | G ]
[ Zelgadis x Lina ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Storm In My Heart by Kinomi
What if you finally worked up the nerve to tell your best friend that you're in love with them the day they get engaged to someone else? A really sweet G/M.
[ Dragonball | R ]
[ Goten x Marron ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Unbreak My Heart by Eisha
A sad songfic about ChiChi’s thoughts after Goku’s death in the Cell Games.
[ Dragonball | PG ]
[ Goku x ChiChi ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

Violently Happy by Tell Bell
Pan is a good student and loving daughter. One day her life takes a turn, when she is introduced to substance and original sin. Can she put her life back together? T/P
[ Dragonball | R ]
[ Trunks x Pan ]
[ Incomplete | Two Chapters ]
[ 1 | 2 ]

Waiting by Shi Ryuu
Lina and Xellos find eachother one night. But, will their love interfere with his master's plans?
[ Slayers | R ]
[ Xellos x Lina ]
[ Incomplete | Six Parts ]
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]

What Makes You Different, Makes You Beautiful by Destructive Sorceress
What happens when Lina feels down and Gourry tries to help? What would happen if he succeeded?
[ Slayers | PG ]
[ Gourry x Lina ]
[ Complete | One Part ]

When Hearts Turn Evil by Kajidragon
What happens when a demon grants power to the women of DBZ? An A/U where everyone's involved!
[ Dragonball | R ]
[ Vegeta x Bulma ]
[ Goku x ChiChi ]
[ Krillen x 18 ]
[ Complete | Fifteen Chapters ]
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ]
[ 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 ]

Wrong Again by Birdee
Marron gets her heart broken one too many times and falls for our favorite purple-haired saiya-jin. But who will be there to help her when he breaks her heart?
[ Dragonball | PG-13 ]
[ Goten x Marron ]
[ Complete | One Part ]