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Kinky Fortune Cookies

So, I bet you're wondering what this means? Well, when you get Chinese food, do you keep the fortunes you get inside those little cookies? Well, I usually dont, until now. I realized that these fortunes could acually give a good laugh if you add something to them. So, at the end of every fortune cookie you get, add either, "in bed", "in the sack" or "between the sheets." Now, this might sound sort of perverted, and I assure you, it is. I for one like "between the sheets" but you choose which one you like. Now, here are a couple of fortune cookies I got and added my little saying to the end of it ;) enjoy.


Do not mistake temptation for opportunity between the sheets


Your new best friend may be of a different generation in bed


You are about to hear an important announcement between the sheets


Being wise is the highest achievement in bed


Your Smile Brings Happiness To Others in the sack


Your dreams of glamour & luxury will come true in bed


Your kindness will lead you to happiness between the sheets


Give time and thought to all that you do in bed


You have strong potential for success in the sack


You will find a better lover in bed


What is the distance between the eyes and the soul when you are doing the nasty?


Listen to the wisdom of the old in bed


A chance meeting opens new doors to success and friendship between the sheets


You'll advance far with your abilities in the sack


One look is worth ten thousand words in bed


Many a false step is made by standing still between the sheets


Your skills and talents will be called on in unusual areas in the sack


Good news will come to you from far away in the sack


The time is right to make new friends between the sheets


Constant grinding can turn an iron rod into a needle between the sheets


Your path is arduous but will be amply rewarding in bed


You will enjoy good heath and will be surrounded by luxury between the sheets


You are gentle but formidable in bed


An old friend is about to show you a new face in the sack


It will soon be time to support those who have supported you in bed


It is good to pay attention to the small details under the covers


Renewing an old friendship will invigorate your spirit between the sheets


Accept the next proposition you hear in bed - Submitted by Savannah


Your lover will never wish to leave you between the sheets - Submitted by Savannah


A thrilling time in the sack is in your immediate future - Submitted by Savannah


An ounce of gold cannot buy an ounce of time under the covers - Submitted by Savannah


You achieve great peace of mind when you talk with an old friend in the sack - Submitted by Kitana


Through greater effort and hard work a precious dream comes true between the sheets - Submitted by Kitana


A cautious person leaves no stones unturned, in the sack - Submitted by Kitana


Play Lottery today, Lady luck is upon you, In bed - Submitted by Kitana


Your skill will accomplish what the force of many cannot, between the sheets - Submitted by Kitana


Never hesitate to tackle the most difficult problems, in bed - Submitted by Kitana


Don't be hasty, prosperity will knock on your door soon between the sheets - Submitted by *Juu-chan*


Yes, now it sounds kind of corny, but I laugh at stupid things like this. I know everbody here probably thinks I'm such a huge Perve, but I'll assure you, I'm not. If I was, I'd accept lemons, and I don't. Sorry if I offended anyone. I hope to have more up here soon, maybe I'll order Chinese food tonight! ;) Next time you open a fortune cookie, remember this, you might have a good laugh.

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