Do you ever feel bad for Piccolo, Kami, Dende, Nail, that Guru guy and all the other green Nameks... What about all the other unmentioned green dudes? Don't you feel bad for them too?! Well, I do! This section is dedicated to the green dudes of DB DBZ and DBGT! They are people too!!
Why is everyone afraid of the green!? Look what these green people have to go through! I mean, just LOOK! Well, if you cant look since you dont know anybody who is green, let me show you some examples. I'll take you though this step by step and tell you the horrors that green dudes have to deal with!
First of all, these guys are hit on all the time, especially by other green dudes. Poor Piccolo has to fight off Cell just to keep himself from losing his... uh... nevermind. But, I mean, look at how ugly cell is! He may be green too, but I wouldn't want his tail anywhere near me! I'm pretty sure Piccolo doesn't want that tail anywhere near him. Poor Piccy!
Okay, heres another example of how Green men get hit on by men and women alike! I feel so bad for Piccolo, having to withstand all that.. biting and such. I dont know how he can live being green anymore!
UGLY BABIES!! Look at how ugly these babies are when they are first hatched! They are sticky and messie and I bet nobody ever wants to hold them. Would you want to hold a little sticky green dude? Well.... WOULD YOU?? I wouldn't! Who knows what kind of diseases that thing has living in it... And they are just so gross...
Sure, sometimes they may look cute when they are all clean... but who knows when they'll be dirty again, and you'll be stuck cleaning up their mess!
And look what happens when they grow up...
SEE! They get... even cuter... Umm... next picture please!
He's... he's... he's... OLD!! AND FUMING MAD!! What happens when you add green + 1 old mean man? You get one old green mean man! Yes, I knew my new math teacher would pay off! Okay, Old green men are evil creations and should be destroyed! But, then again, Kami was old, and he wasn't too bad... though, he got a little grumpy when Mr. Popo forgot to make him his breakfast.. I'm surprised he didn't fire him, but I think Mr. Popo and Kami are more than just "friends".
How can you forget the Evil green men?! Do you realize that the only reason green men are evil is because they're GREEN! If they were purple or orange, they'd be perfectly fine, but since they're green, they're INSANE! And, believe me, it's not their fault. Poor Garlic Jr. here only wanted to take over the world. Is that too much to ask? Well, is it?! I think not. Maybe he felt like an outsider because he was green. If you were green, wouldn't you feel like an outsider? Well, Wouldn't you?! I know I would!
Oh lordy lordy, what about Cell!? He just wanted to be Perfect! Don't we all want to be perfect sometimes? I would love to be perfect... Maybe we shouldn't judge him like we do... and, the fact of the matter is, it was a hard task for him to complete. How many perfect green guys can you find? I don't know of any...
Well, there is a way to help... But, its up to you if you want to. Well, okay, heres how. If you support the green man put one of the following banners anywhere on your webpage! Yep, you can just take it! You dont have to sign my guestbook or email me, just put it on your webpage. Of course, you have to load it onto your own server. Angelfire doesn't let you host pics from different places, so dont do that!
If you could link the picture back to it would be appriciated! I hope you can support the green man like so many of us! I hope one day they are as loved as we all are! ^_^ Good-day or Good-night... or Good-afternoon.. how about Goodbye.