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Dragon Ball Z Bad Guys

Name: Radditz
Fly, Zanzoken

One of the few surviving Saiyans from Planet Vegeta's destruction, Radditz is a weak fighter compared to his brother, Goku during his arrival. He showed superior power but his carelessness got to him and that was his weakness. A huge mistake he made during the fight on Earth, was when he underestimated both Goku and Piccolo's power level. Radditz timely death happened when Goku held onto his arms in a full nelson and Piccolo pierced both Saiyans Chest with a Makkankosappo (Special Beam Cannon).


Name: Nappa
Fly, Bakuhatsuha, Saiko No Kogeki, Zanzoken

Nappa, one of the lucky survivors of Planet Vegeta's explosion, is Prince Vegeta's teammate and friend. Clumsy as he is, Nappa showed great strength but intelligence of a cockroach. His foolish actions would get Vegeta angry whom he is incredibly afraid of. Nappa's death was caused by his teammate, Vegeta, when Goku nearly paralyzed Nappa with a Kaioken attack then seeking some help from his loyalty friend. However, arrogant as Vegeta is, Nappa was tossed in the air and was Big Bang Attacked into the next dimension.


Name: Frieza
Fly, Barrier, Daichiretsuzan, Death Ball, Eye Lazers, Freeza Beam, Kienzan, Renzokou Kikou Ha, Transforming, Zanzoken

Frieza was one of the most powerful being in the universe of his time. He runs an alliance of criminals that kills all living life-forms on planets and then sell the planets to the highest bidder. Frieza was responsible for the first Super Saiyan to arrive and that was Goku after killing Krillin, Goku's best friend. Otherwise, Frieza is an outstanding force but his arrogance lead to his own defeat.


Name: Zarbon
, Transforming, Zanzoken

Zarbon didn't play a big part in the Frieza saga but he was one of Frieza's top henchmen. Although, looking like a pretty-boy type, Zarbon has the ability to back up his nonchalant tactics. Somewhat like his lord, Frieza, Zarbon is able to transform into a second from. During this second stage, his muscles starts to bulge and swell making him very strong but slow (similar to an Ultra Super Saiyan). Long after his loyalty to Frieza, Zarbon is zapped into the next dimension by rival, Vegeta, in a fierce battle between the two.

Name: Dodoria
Race: Unknown
Abilities: Fly,

Dodoria wasn't a tough enough opponent for Vegeta in his time, but he gave Gohan, Krillin, and Dende a rough time. Although very self-confident with his ability, Dodoria tends to pink on the weaker opponents. Dodoria is averagely powerful in his time, but he was no match for the new and improved Vegeta from the rejuvenation tank.


Name: Ginyu Force
Various Abilities

The most powerful fighting force in the universe. The Ginyu Force consist of five very strong fighters (Burter, Recoome, Captain Ginyu, Jeice, and Guldo), each with a unique attack that can beat the opposing force. In DBZ, the Ginyu Force was called upon by Frieza to fight against the Z team and bring back the dragon balls. But once Goku came along, the Ginyu force no longer seems to be as strong as you think. Their defeat is all because of the silliness of the group like choosing who fights by playing a game of rock, paper, scissors, or making pointless posses which just wastes time of the other time.


Name: Garlic Jr
Fly, Transforming, Zanzoken

Both short and smart, Garlic Jr is evil and only wants to take over the universe. In some occasions, he has the ability to transform into a much stronger form, which gets all of it's energy from the Makyo Star. Another thing you should know about Garlic Jr is that he was granted immortality from the Eternal Dragon Shenron after collecting all seven dragon balls on Earth.


Name: Spice Boys

Playing a very little role in the Garlic Jr Saga, but giving the saga a bit of an excitement to the short story. The Spice Boys are Garlic Jr's fighting force much like the Ginyu Force was Frieza's fighter force. The names of the team are very weird (Mustard, Spice, Salt, and Vinegar) very much like the Spice Girls. The team is somewhat strong, but follows orders from Garlic Jr since he is much more stronger.


Name: King Cold
Similar to Frieza

 The father of Frieza, both evil and elegant. Being much bigger than Frieza himself, but having lots of similarities. He later manages to die in the hands of Trunks without showing much of an appearance in the series. Not much is known about him.


Name: Dr. Gero
Absorb energy

 An evil scientist himself, Dr. Gero created the Androids (Androids #16, #17, #18, #19) which was intended to fight only Goku and no one else, but after the Androids killed Dr. Gero, they decided just to play around and destroy everything in it's path for fun. His creation has incredible strength and can destroy everything. Dr. Gero is also an Android himself, he ordered Android #19 to make him into an Android and make himself stronger and have an ability to repair himself whenever he needs to.


Name: Android #16
Hell's Flash, Hikou, Rocket Punch

The strongest of all the Androids, but never wants to fight unless it's absolutely necessary. Very nature loving and silent, and was never meant to be activated. After he fought Cell, Bulma gathered all of it's parts and reassembled it to make it fight for good instead of bad.


Name: Android #17
Barrier, Hikou

The one who killed his own creator, Dr. Gero. He was created only to destroy Goku, but after he killed Dr. Gero, he do what he likes, but still has an urge to kill Goku whenever he feels like it. He has a twin sister, which is Android #18. They are very much similar except Android #17 is out of control and always wants to destroy everything.


Name: Android #18
Barrier, Hikou, Kienzan

Android #18 is very similar to Android #17, in fact, they are twins. Although they are the same, #18 becomes more nicer and later marries Krillin after they wished her into being a human by the dragon balls.


Name: Android #19

Not very much is known about this guy, except for the obvious fact that he is fat. He helped Dr. Gero become an Android and sometimes doesn't know what he is doing.


Name: Cell 

Race: Android 21
This deadly android threatens whole planets for the sake of a good battle!The ultimate artificial being created by Dr.Gero. Cell was created with a combination of cells from all the greatest fighters in the universe: Goku, Vegita, Freeza, Piccolo and more. In order to become a perfect being Cell needed to merge with Android 17 and 18. At the time Cell hatched however, the androids were no where to be found. His solution was to travel to the past in Trunks time machine to find the androids.  Cell goes through 2 transformations before attaining his perfect form.


Name: Cell Jr.
little blue replica of cell (7 in all).  (all 7 killed by Gohan)



Majin Buu

300 years ago an evil magician named Bibidi created the Majin Buu, a demon who's intent is pure evil and destructive (the Buu pictured on the bottom). Bibidi could not fully control Buu at first. Eventually Buu killed all but one of the Kaio-shins (the north Kaio-shin survived). The east and west Kaio-shins were easily defeated. The south Kaio-shin put up a good fight but was absorbed by Buu at the last minute. This caused Buu to inherit the physical traits of the south Kaio-shin. Buu then absorbed the master Kaio-shin (Di-Kaio-shin) and transformed into the fat Buu (the Buu pictured on the top). Since master Kaio-shin was kind, gentle and fat, Buu was watered down a bit and easier to control. Majin Buu was later resurrected by his son Babidi. Buu goes through many transformations including returning to his first state (the Buu pictured on the bottom).




                     Brolli Brolli:   The "Legendary Super Saiyan". At birth Brolli was classified to have an extremely high class rating. In fear that one day Brolli would take over, King Vegita (Vegita's father) banished Brolli and his father from the Saiyan clan (by killing them). They were both left for dead before Planet Vegita's demise. Brolli and his father were able to survive the planet's destruction however. He was born on the same day as Goku. Because of this Brolli has a competitive hatred for Goku.  Brolli made appearances in Movie 8, 10 and 11.


BabadiThe evil magician who resurrected the Majin Buu. Babidi is the son of Bibidi and has magical powers to 'charm' fighters with evil in their heart into becoming his slave. At one time he tired to charm Vegita only to find that he could never control someone with so much pride!




The leader of the underworld's demons and the Prince of darkness, Dabura was known to be the 'Devil' himself. Charmed by Babidi, he is the primary fighter in Babidi's legion


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