Name: Cell                                                                                                                                                                                 
Meaning: Made of many Cells                                                                                                                                                                               
Transformations: Larva, Imperfect,2nd Cell, Perfect Cell, Ultra Perfect Cell                                                                                                                                                                             
Cell is created a while back by Dr. Gero. Although some of his androids turned out to be quite rebellious Cell turned out to be the hard hitter of all Dr. Gero’s androids. He is constructed of many warrior’s cells giving him a very tactical advantage. For example if in trouble he can use Tien’s SOLAR FLARE to get out of danger. In order to be destroyed every single one of his cells must be destroyed or else he will just use Piccolo’s ability to reconstruct himself. In order to gain his power he uses his energy stealing tail & literally sucks the opponent dry of his/her energy thus gaining his ability to transform into Imperfect Cell, Perfect Cell or Ultra Perfect Cell. Cell is nearly killed by Goku by Transportation of Cell to King Kai’s planet just before Cell blows up but little did everyone know that this only made Cell stronger. After this Gohan & Cell have a Ki Blast War & after long help & fighting Gohan completely disintegrates Cell. Cell later on meets up with Freeza, King Cold & the Ginyu Force & tries to control the underworld but fails.