Name: Frieza                                                                                                                                                                             
Meaning: Freezer                                                                                                                                                                             
Transformations: 4                                                                                                                                                                              Freiza was one of the first major villains in Dragonball Z. He had many weak minions & his not so weak minions; THE GINYU FORCE. He was both a leader to all & a conqueror to all because he would destroy many planets with a finger including Goku & Vegita’s home planet; Planet Vegita. We first see Freiza when he is at Planet Namek gathering Dragonballs for his wish of immortality. His wish is interrupted by many things; Krillin, Goku, Gohan, Vegita, Nail, Piccolo & the fact that he doesn’t even know the password to the Namekian dragon. Freiza has four transformations; His regular transformation which is quite weak compared to his other transformations, His second transformation which gave the Z-Fighters quite a bit of trouble is a lot taller than he used to be & looks sort devilish with some big horns sticking out of his head but he was defeated by the Piccolo & Nail merge, His third transformation is smaller but much more effective & he looks more of an alien, His fourth & last form looks like his original but he has purple & silverish skin. Although this is his last form he is not at his strongest point. Its later on in a fight between Super Sayain Goku Freiza pumps himself up to 100% strength but is still toyed with & pummeled. Freiza later on loses half of his body & is offered enough energy to escape the planet before it blows up. After using his powers wrongly he is destroyed. He makes 2 more appearances; the first where he comes back to earth as Cyber-Freiza with his dad King Cold but is destroyed by Trunks & the second where Freiza teams up with Cell & the Ginyu Force to control the underworld but fails. Freiza is the only one with a good bloodline. His brother’s name is Koola & is destroyed by Goku’s Kamehameha, his gigantic death ball & the sun. He comes back as Cyber-Koola & is destroyed by Goku’s teeny weeny spirit ball. As you already know King Cold is his father & his destroyed along with Cyber-Freiza. Just in case you don’t know Freiza got his name by Freezer, Koola got his name by Cooler & I don’t think I have to explain King Cold’s name.