~Lauren's Stories~

LAUREN'S TICKER OF DOOM........ IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! But I won't tell you right awat, just keep reading........ TODAY IS JULY 3, 2005........ But it's probably not when you read this........ I saw Batman Begins! I have no idea what Gary Oldman's name was in it, I just kept thinking "Sirius?"........ NOW FOR THE IMPORTANT UPDATE! I now have the first (and damn long) chapter of the sequal to my smash hit (in my mind), the Harry Potter fanfic! Wheee! Don't worry, it's still on summer break, it'll get better once we're back at Hogwarts, and once I "brainstorm" with Sarah again........ I got nachos at BB, because I'm tired of popcorn........ And remember, do not challenge me at Smash Bros Melee, or you will be PWN3D!!!11........
Lauren here. My NEW sn in the guild is Master_Fubuki, as my old account got suspended because I swore too much. Most everything I write turns into a comedy. But I can write seriously... for about a second... I have two stories: An untitled Harry Potter fanfiction (though Harry's not in it all that much) and I've co-written a South Park fanfic. I usually have a pilot or two here, as well (pilot, as in the first chapter of a story I never end up finishing)
Mar 16, 2005~ As spring break approaches, expect new stuff! Well, I've got a new comic- Gothy McGothGoth. It's great if you're really goth or angst.
Feb 19, 2005~ There's new fanlistings, a SP chapter, and the drama journal is complete. Plus there may be something I'm forgetting...
Jan 25, 2005~ There's new chapters in the SP story. There's also a NEW section for play journals. Check it.
Jan 10, 2005~ I put up my fanlistings page, which somehow dissappeared... I'm up to 41, I believe. Also, I've got a Digimon fanfiction in the works. Expect bios for the characters soon!
Nov 12, 2004~ Well, seeing as how Sarah and I keep taking turns writing the South Park story, I've added it to both our sites and started calling it a co-written story. Oh, and the Lauren story wasn't working our, so it's gone. BUT I'm planning another story, which would kick ass if I wrote it! Just keep watching...
Sep 24, 2004~ I've done a lot of small updates, but the largest of them all is a new bio page for me.
Harry Potter Fan Fiction (completed)
Harry Potter Fanfiction, PART TWO
Goin' Down To South Park. Again. (Co-writer) (still adding to)
Gothy McGothGoth
Random Conversations *REAL*

My Fanlistings

Play Journal 1- NCHS the Musical

Harry Potter Fanfiction Cast
~*~Go Back~*~

NOTE- I don't own Harry Potter or any of the other things I make referances to in my stories (Like Nintendo stuff, South Park, etc) and I have nothing to do with them. HOWEVER, the stories are mine (except the South Park Fanfic, which is half Sarah's) so don't put them on your site. Not that you'd want to if you'd read them...