M*A*S*H. My fave chara is Potter, btw O-Ren Ishii, one of the coolest villans ever! Kiba Blue Lestat/ The Vampire Chronicals Everyone's fave hacker The most addicting game you'll ever find My fave game! I have a Link pic, but my fave chara is Zelda/Shiek... second fave game Because we all love Larry Reba. The show. Oh come now, is she REALLY a villan? Lestat. Again. ...and again. If he was my husband, I'd smack HIM in the face and say, HEY BITCH! Go make your own damn pie! <3 It STINKS! Read or Die Look, a vampire that's NOT Lestat! Ding dong! Aah Marco... No Canadian's hotter than you... <3 I TOLD you there was an evil monkey in my closet! Matt Stone- Co-Creator of SP. Voice of Kyle, Kenny, Timmy, Butters, Jesus, Saddam, Terrance, and others BASEketball Bender Tsuzuki

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