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Season 1
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Season 4
Characters Summaries Pics






Here, you can email either Trandole or myself, MagnaDevimon. Simply click on our name and write the email. Oh, before you do, read the rules that are listed below. It is very important.


Don't send any FanFics or FanArt until the episode summaries and pics are done.

Before you send any pics, make sure we don't already have them on the site.

You are welcome to send us any e-mail as long as it is within moral
standard. Those standards are our decisions only.

Complimants are always welcome. As well as advise. Send as many of those as you want!

If you see any mistakes, please tell me, MagnaDevimon. I deal with that sort of thing. I really do crave perfection. So it is important that I know of any errors, how few of them there are.

This is a difficult topic. If anyone doesn't know what Hentai is, you can skip this part. Otherwise, this is important. Angelfire won't allow me to put Hentai on the site, but that doesn't mean don't send it. If it is tasteful, I might enjoy it. Example: If it is a picture of one of the girls, and only one girl I consider it tasteful. NO pics with guys or Digimon in them. That is just wrong!

Don't bug us to chat. We won't do it.

We are both guys, and we won't give out our real names.

I, MagnaDevimon, am the Webmaster.

Trandole is the assistant, in charge of images and graphics.

If you have important news, and it's not already mentioned, send it!

We may not respond to your emails. We just don't have the time sometimes.





Copyright 2001 Devimon's Lair. All original content, graphics, layout copy written (c)2001 and may not be used on any other site without the proper permission. This site is in no way affiliated with Toei Animation Studio, Fox, Fox Kids, Saban, or any other such similar corporation. This is a non-profit fan site only.