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Artist: Paul Gordan

Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Monster friends to the boys and girls
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Champions of the Digital World
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Ultimate friends to the boys and girls
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Champions of the Digital World

Seven young kids go to camp for the summer
And wind up livin' in a digital land
Where everybody gets to meet his own Digimonster
A digital companion, a digital friend
A Digimon in-training will digivolve to rookie
And digivolve to champion and ultimate, too
I'm gonna save the digital world for me
I'm gonna save the digital world for you

Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Monster friends to the boys and girls
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Champions of the Digital World
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Ultimate friends to the boys and girls
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Champions of the Digital World

The Digiworld is safe in the Digimon's hands
What the rookie can't do, the champion can
When a Digimon fights, then the Digimon wins
A Digimon is gonna find the strength within
A Digimon is always gonna be your friend
A Digimon is gonna be there 'til the end
And everybody knows when things go wrong
That's when the Digimon is gonna be strong

Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Monster friends to the boys and girls
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Champions of the Digital World
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Ultimate friends to the boys and girls
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Champions of the Digital World

Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!

Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Monster friends to the boys and girls
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Champions of the Digital World
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Ultimate friends to the boys and girls
Hey Digimon, hey Digimon!
Champions of the Digital World







Copyright 2001 Devimon's Lair. All original content, graphics, layout copy written (c)2001 and may not be used on any other site without the proper permission. This site is in no way affiliated with Toei Animation Studio, Fox, Fox Kids, Saban, or any other such similar corporation. This is a non-profit fan site only.