To Other Realms ←
You're ready to leave already? Well, I can't very well STOP YOU, so I'll recommend some good haunts of mine. ;)
Don't forget to come back! ^^;
Below are some links we've come across that we think are pretty cool. If you want your site listed too, give me a ring at ryuusei_seki@hotmail.com, and include the following stuff in the message:
Your site's URL
(pretty self-explanatory)
Your site's name
(even just a temporary name will do, otherwise we'll just use the URL as the name)
A lil description
(this might include stuff like what content it has, who runs it, etc. be as imaginative or bland as you want)
That's it.
And now... somewhere else to go! ^_^
Quatre-chan's new website, Neo Dragnier! Go now! This is where all her fanfiction and her profile ended up after the Dragnier "shift in power", shall we say. She'll totally love the hits and feedback ;)
site: Oh No! Not Another Final Fantasy VII Web Page!
With such beloved features as "The Series" and other brilliant FFVII fiction by Frank Verderosa
site: Cambro Quotes
My friend Russell's intriguing quotes page. ;)
site: Girls Suck
p's1-6 describe their dating troubles and how much girls suck, and don't suck. It's good.
site: Panicware, Inc. - Product Downloads
Where I got the program I use to prevent those damnable webpage pop-ups from, well, popping up. It's called the PopUpStopper. I got the free one. ^_^
site: Mangascreener.com
Independantly-translated manga done for fun and exposure of the art. Features HORDES of English-dialogue stories straight from Japan.
site: MegaTokyo
The web-infamous manga. Please go. Now. You deserve it. v^_^v
site: Boy Meets Boy
The daily-updated comic that me and my Hanson-loving girl techie friends are CRAZY about! It's a comic featuring cute gay boys. *^^* Bwa ha ha~
site: Sinfest
Tatsuya Ishida's phunky daily-update comic. He's got soul.
site: Mac Hall
Nifty little comic about freshmen in college. Yeah, another slacker comic. ;)
site: Japanese Is POSSIBLE!
The old archive of Japanese lessons from Maktos (this is the un-altered/un-updated version. This was my first tutor in the language. *^^* Good stuff, good stuff.
site: JAPSTER 2000!!!!!!
The name's a little iffy, but it's a cute site, offering a short series of comics to help with the study of the Japanese language.
site: HardcoreJ - Your JPOP Station
They took a good idea and ran with it: A major online J-pop radio station! The page also features an Anime station and BGM station. Maybe something else. I can't remember.
site: Stare ~ An Unofficial Janne da Arc Page
Probably the largest and most maintained English-language Janne Da Arc fansite. The galleries are to die for! =^_^=
site: M!P!3!: Phoe's Music Realm
What self-respecting anime/Jpop fan hasn't heard of Phoenixfeather? Well, here's the newest incarnation of her old site, the MP3 Horde -- M!P!3!.