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Sailor Moon Kaylana and Kayrana's Anime Hideout- Sailor Moon

Good day! I am Ami Mizuno, Sailor Mercury in my spare time. I'm filling in for Sailor Mars since she left. The MIDI you should be hearing (and probably aren't because angelfire's being evil) is Ai No Senshi. I'll be focusing on this part of Kaylana and Kayrana's Anime hideout for a while, just getting some things done, so keep checking back! Feel free to look around... expanding your files to include all we have here!

Greetings from Sailor Mars! You have my most sincere apologies for being absent and unable to update for so long... sorry! By the way, Ami, I didn't leave... my server was just down. *glares at Ami half-heartedly* Ah, well. You couldn't have known... Anyway, I'll get back to work!

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