Title: Refraction
Author: Yami no Kaiba
Series: Animated Teen Titans
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Slade/Robin

Summary: Emotions are fickle creatures, like the wind.
Disclaimers: The characters are not mine; I don't know who owns the animated versions. DC owns the original characters.
Notes: Post-"Haunted", extension of the drabble made for Katarik due to the drabble meme going around. Because breaking Kat's brain is amusing. (Actually, I just can’t say 'no' to her puppy-eyes...)


He doesn't want to turn the lights off.

Which is just ridiculous, because he's *fifteen*, not five and in need of a night-light.

And-and... He doesn't want to turn the lights off.

Stupid Slade and Slade's stupid chemicals and the stupid, stupid little idiotic part of himself that was *happy* when he caught that first glimpse of black and orange after so *long*--

It's not that he's scared.

He just doesn't want to be disappointed when the lights go out, and Slade's voice won’t come to him from the darkness.

But despite what he wants, his hand reaches out and flips off the switch.


Not fair, he thinks, leaning against the door, forehead pressed to the cool metal as he glares at the carpet beneath his boots, heart feeling heavy. Not fair to be teased so mercilessly, and then have it all disappear into the realm of the unheard and unseen.

It's not fair that he's made to hate the darkness for not producing what he wants.

An angry balled fist, arm drawn back as his teeth clench, preparing to hit the metal in all his frustrated disappointment--

Caught and held in a larger hand, looming presence behind him, tickle of breath against the side of his neck.

"Good evening, Robin."

And his heart skips a beat as that tiny part of himself smiles.

"Slade," he breathes out, and turns around.

Empty hole in the darkness is all he can see of the man's eye, as the night's light source from the window is behind the man's bulk. "Have you missed me, little bird? Because I've missed you."

Yes, he wants to say, to shout, to lean in and cling and never let go.

But that's not their relationship, no matter how much he yearns for it to be so.

Instead there are heavy hands on his shoulders, pushing down and he's on his knees in his own room. He's still *bruised*, still bleeding and he can barely move one of his arms, and he--he still wants it.

"You know what to do, little bird."

He does know, and his injured arm shakes a bit as his hands mechanically go about their movements, discarding Slade's belt and thigh armor, pulling down on the surprisingly supple pants and the material beneath it.

Lick's his lips, tongue prodding at the slightly puffy tissue from one-to-many punches in the face, hesitating for only a moment before Slade's fingers tangle in his hair, tugging threateningly for his obedience.

He knows Slade loves to tease, but hates the gesture being reciprocated, so he gets right to it, hand of his injured arm pressed against Slade's thigh for balance as the other wraps about the base. He makes one swipe of his tongue along the underside of the length before taking it in, sucking as he goes.

Sucks long and hard, nose flared for needed air, as his entire body shudders from the same electric tingle that this always seems to incur within him. Like he has some sort of *power* he doesn't know about at the tips of his fingers, and if he just knew how to *use* it--

He's done this too many times to be surprised when Slade shudders soundlessly, fingers clenching and *pulling* him closer as those hips buck, Slade thrusting into his mouth. He goes with the motions, having learned long ago that resisting just causes him to choke.

Five long minutes, and Slade *finally* makes a sound--a long, deep growl--as the man arches and releases down his throat. He swallows, of course; it's either that or drown.

When Slade's hands relax in his hair, he shifts back, expecting it as Slade kneels down.

Caress of cold metal as Slade brushes the back of one gauntlet-covered hand against his cheek. "Perfect, Robin. Now lie back; it's time for your reward."

He follows Slade's instructions, heart fluttering in his chest, as his back hits the ground and Slade's form looms above him in the darkness.

He doesn't want the light to ever turn back on.


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