The Switch
Chapter 3 - Piccolo has to go to WHAT?!
By: Yami no Kaiba

Vejita looked behind him, a scowl on his face. The weird human he had found trying to kill his son and his son's friend was flying slightly behind him. Though he couldn't exactly call her a human with those ears of hers.

"What are you staring at?!" The girl stared straight into the Prince's eyes. Unnerved, Vejita scowled, if possible, more darkly and looked forward to see the large form of Capsule Corp. ahead.

Even as his feet landed on the ground, the thing that had been niggling at the back of his mind finally came forward. Those clothes of hers were so familiar. The indigo gi with the red sash, it reminded him of that damn Nameck.

Growling at even remembering the green freak, he stepped through the door and started to stomp towards the kitchen. Getting to the threshold of the kitchen he barked out at the purple haired boy that was busily munching away at the macaroni and cheese dinner that he and his black haired friend where busy at, disregarding the earlier incident. "What in Kami's name did you wish for, brat?!"

Trunks looked up at his father and behind him. When he saw the girl's murderous face and eyes, he eeped and jumped into the air. About to fly off, he found his dad behind him, pushing him forcefully into the vacant chair. "Now answer my question, brat. What did you and Goten wish for?"

Goten's eyes widened and he himself tried to exit the room as quickly and quietly as possible. When he bumped his back into a warm and tall chest with slight curves, he turned around to find the emerald green haired girl glaring down at him with an evil kind of smirk on her face. Backing up hastily his legs hit the seat of his chair and he sat down.

Vejita glanced over at the scene and smiled cruelly. Looking back at his own son his eyes glinted. "Now what did you two do?"

Just as Bulma entered the doorway to see what the commotion was, the story spilled. From playing around in Bulma's lab and finding the Dragon Radar to when the dragon appeared. Each sentence started to come out more haltingly with many glances made from the children to the faces of the adults and teenager to gage their reactions. The two skipped their little talk of what to wish for beforehand to try and forestall the punishment.

"So Goten asked the dragon for the wish." Trunks said.

"What was it?" Trunks cringed beneath Vejita's glare.

"We asked the dragon to turn Piccolo into a girl." Trunks looked towards Vejita's face to watch what would happen. The total shock on his face made Trunks want to laugh but he kept it in, knowing his father would kill him for doing so. Trunks hadn't gone through everything today just to be killed now.

Piccolo was also watching Vejita's face. When he saw the total blankness in the Saiya-jins face he smiled and chuckled slightly under his breath. Yes, he could almost say that being a girl had its upside if this was the reaction he'd get from everyone.

"But the dragon said he couldn't," Goten piped up. This made Piccolo look back at the two kids, slightly shocked by this.

"Then why the hell am I a girl?!" Piccolo shouted and glared at the two.

Trunks eeped and ducked out of his chair and behind Goten, remembering the way Piccolo had tried to kill him already once today. Looking at his father he could see he wasn't going to be any help since Vejita was still wearing that shocked look.

"The dragon said you were already part girl 'cause your asexual and that there is no such thing as a girl or a guy Nameck. So we changed the wish for you to become a human girl with your power intact, just incase their was a fight while you were a girl. He said that he could do that but some of your Nameck features were still going to be there. Are second wish was that you'd go back to being a Nameck in three months." Goten added that last part hastily to try and calm down the girl that was advancing on him.

Growling slightly, and kind of happy that she only had to go through this personal hell for three months, Piccolo whirled around and snapped her fingers, bringing a new cape into existence that fit comfortably around her new form unlike the last, leaving the turban out of the ensemble now that she didn't have to hide her antenna.

Piccolo looked at Vejita and Bulma. Bulma was looking at her with that scientific look in her eye and Vejita was still in shock. Actually grinning at the still shocked Saiya-jin no Ouji, Piccolo was about to leave when Bulma spoke up.

"Piccolo-san, how old are you?"

Surprised, Piccolo turned around to look at Bulma, her cape snapping around, loud enough finally to bring the shocked Saiya-jin back into the world of the living. "Why?"

Bulma immediately looked Piccolo up and down as Vejita resumed his usual scowl. "It's a law in this country that anyone below the age of eighteen has to go to school. Quite frankly, Piccolo-san, you look like your sixteen in that form."

"I'd be ten years old on Nameck, but here I'd be twenty. Every two years here on Earth is one year on Nameck." (A/N: I just made that up so don't kill me please. Actually, Piccolo at this time is about twenty, given maybe an extra year for Gohan's birth... Wait a minute, I'm already dead!)

"Ah! I see, since your Earth years and Nameck years differ so greatly, Shenlong added and divided by two! That means your fifteen," she was looking at him with those scientific eyes again. "You're going to have to go to school."

Piccolo's eyes widened. "Hell no! If you've forgotten, part of me used to be Kami to this damn planet! I know everything a stupid school could teach me!"

During this bickering Trunks and Goten had managed to slip outside. "So, you think Piccolo's actually going to go to school, Trunks?"

"Didn't you see mom's eyes? She'll try to get out of it, but when mom's like that she gets what she wants."

Goten sighed. "Poor Mr. Piccolo-san. I wonder which school your mom's going to enroll her at."


Two hours later...

"Fine Bulma! I'll do it on three conditions!"

"What's that?"

"First, no one tells Gohan and Chi-Chi. Second, I live here for the next three months. Third, we change my name. Got it?"

Bulma grinned. She had gotten her way. "Ok, we have a deal. I'll enroll you over at Orange Star High School today so you can start first thing in the morning. Go get your things from the Lookout and bring 'em here. I'll show you your new room when you get here. I'll go tell Goten, Trunks, and Vejita what's going on." With that, Bulma left the kitchen to round up the Saiya-jin.

Piccolo sighed as she got up. Exiting through the back door she jumped into the air and headed to the Lookout. This was going to be a long three months.

--To be Continued.

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