[ ] denotes thoughts.

The Switch
Chapter 7 - Pissing off the Demon King is not a good idea...
By: Yami no Kaiba

Gohan watched as Vejita touched down, still with Pine in his, um, embrace. The two were mumbling to each other, only the occasional words like, "Elfie?!," and "distract me," could be heard, even by his excellent Saiya-jin hearing.

[Hmm, elfie, I like that...] Gohan thought as the Ouji released his captive and stalked menacingly away towards the gravity chamber. "So, Pine, did you want to get something to eat before we start?" A grumbling sound and a flushed face were all the answer Gohan needed.


Piccolo sighed as she stretched her arms above her head. It had been a week since she and Gohan had started to train together again. She smiled as she remembered the way the spar had ended last night. Hopefully it would be even better today.

Right now she was in PE class, warming up for the wrestling matches. After the second day of school, since she hadn't been in PE due to suspension, the coach had allowed her to work with the guys. It had been real amusing when they had been playing that really pointless game called baseball and she had blown every one but Gohan away with her speed and accuracy.

She didn't really know why she was even bothering to stretch. With her strength and power she could easily throw down anyone here, except for Gohan, and he wasn't even participating today, having to stay in the class room to work on class president things.

Finishing up, she walked confidently to the ring.


Piccolo walked silently on the side walk, heading towards Capsule Corp. at a human's regular speed with a black back pack on her back. As to be expected, she had won the wrestling matches, much to the amusement and sometimes anger of her classmates. But that wasn't what was on her mind.

[How the hell do I get him to stop calling me that?] Piccolo's predicament was pretty straight forward. Ever since Gohan had over heard her and Vejita's talk a week ago, Gohan had started to nickname her 'elfie'. The weird part was, she was pretty sure it wasn't a swear word, but she had no idea what an 'elfie' was. But one thing was for sure, if Vejita had come up with it, it wasn't a nice thing.

Piccolo's reverie was broken, however, by the very annoying high pitched whining her ears were picking up. She stopped in her tracks as she took in her surroundings for the first time.

She was on the second to last boulevard that would take her to were Bulma was waiting to pick her up while doing some grocery shopping and across the street was a bank, apparently in the process of being robbed by the juvenile delinquents that were wearing stockings over their heads.

Cocking her head to the side and wincing as the cop cars pulled around the corner, their sirens on full and making her very sensitive ears ring, she briefly pondered the thought of stopping the robbery, if only to stop the damn noise that was slowly but surely driving her up the wall, when a flare of ki made itself known to her.

Piccolo's eyes widened when a person that seemed very familiar dropped out of the sky and into the street between her and the delinquents that carried guns. Wearing a helmet that resembled a bugs head and a green toga and black leggings with white boots and gloves that reminded Piccolo of Vejita, the person did some interesting poses, talking non-stop in a guy's voice.

(A/N: Okay, this is gonna sound a bit Sailor Moony, buy here goes...)"I am the Great Saiya-Man, protector of Satan city! Stop what you are doing and hand yourselves over to the proper authorities this instant!"

"This is weird," Piccolo muttered as she watched the stocking gang open fire. The Great Saiya-Man had been expecting this and dodged out of the way with a quick side step. However...

Staring at the costumed crime fighter, Piccolo was taken by surprise when she was suddenly not seeing his back anymore but instead was staring at fast coming lead. Not having the time to dodge to the side, Piccolo fell forward onto the ground, missing almost all of them.

The sharp whistling sounds that made her ears hurt and ring were flying past her head. Piccolo could feel the jerk of her backpacks' straps as a bullet barely missed her head and instead blew a hole into the black baggage.

[Why those stupid humans!] Without a second thought after the rain of lead was done, Piccolo was up and running, her backpack shrugged off and laying on the ground where just milliseconds ago she had been. But she wasn't running away.

Oh, no, she wouldn't run away from this.


It was only half a minute later that found Gohan still planted where he had been standing, watching as Pine threw the unconscious body of the last of eight would be robbers away from her and through the wall of the bank.

[Idiots! That's what you get for messing with the King of Demons,] Piccolo thought as she clapped her hands together to get the dust off of them.

--To be Continued.

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