YnK: Ummm… Weeelll, I’m like, totally bored and on a sugar high right now and want to read a lot of stuff, but, like, none of my favorite stories were updated sooo, I figured I’d set a semi good example and write chapter six, like, ya know?? ‘Sides, Blackie isn’t writing any more tonight *pouts* , like, she’s being so mean tonight, ya know?? Anyway, lets get going!!

War of the Hexes!
Chapter 6 – Ceiling Art.
By: Black Rose and Yami no Kaiba

Waking at six, Severus looked around the dorm room and smiled to himself at the sleeping students around him. THEY wouldn’t even THINK about getting up this early. Skipping off to the bathroom with an emerald green ball of fur on his shoulder, Severus couldn’t stop grinning as he thought of what he would do today. Glancing at the posted schedule he broke into a smile. Defense Against the Dark Arts at nine and Potions at one.

Severus exited the bathroom toweling off his slightly damp hair in a fresh black robe. Finished, he tucked the towel into his right sleeve as he stepped carefully over in between Crabbe and Goyle’s beds. Leaning over Crabbe first, Severus hovered his hands over the boy’s hair and concentrated hard as he whispered, "Hareriya Changus." A soft emerald green glow issued beneath his hands, throwing the scene into high relief. As it faded, Severus turned around and did the same to Goyle.

Walking over to Draco’s bed he repeated the process for the last time, grinning wickedly. That ought to teach Draco not to threaten him!

Stopping briefly at his trunk to get his texts for the day and his wand, Severus paused at the door and turned around. Raising his wand, "Ton Ees," was muttered and a soft green glow surrounded and dissipated from the faces of the three sleeping victims. With that last spell, Severus and Blaize bounded off for the Grand Hall to make a few… alterations to the decor before anyone else entered.


Harry Potter sat down for breakfast with a large smile on his face. His hair was almost back to normal, though it was more of a gray than a black due to all of the still light colored hairs interspersed around. Grabbing a crescent roll from a basket to his right and taking a bite, Harry helped himself to bacon and eggs from two platters on his left as Hermione and Ron sat down on either side of him well Fred, George, and Ginny sat in front of him.

When the doors opened and laughter from the front of the room reached him, Harry looked over to the main entrance. He promptly choked on his roll.

Walking over to the Slytherin table was Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy, and all three were looking bewilderedly at the laughing students. Each Slytherin had a pair of emerald green bunny ears sticking out of their hair.

As Draco sat down and started the morning staring contest with Harry from across the hall Harry was suddenly struck with the realization that Draco’s ice blue eyes had turned the same shad of green as his rabbit ears.

Professor McGonagall came down from the head table and looked the three boys over. Turning her formidable and stern gaze on Severus, she spoke. "By any chance, Mr. Snape, did you have had a hand in this display?"

Severus smiled innocently over at Minerva. "Who, me? Why Professor, I’m shocked and hurt that you’d think I would do anything like that!"

"Severus, I’ll ask only one more time. Did you hex Misters Malfoy, Goyle, and Crabbe?"

"Of course I did!"

"Five points from Slytherin for each ear, Severus." Looking at the still puzzled boys’s eyes, she raised her wand, "Finite Incantatem! Go over to Poppy to have those ears removed, boys."

Looking at each other in horror as they saw for the first time that morning the green bunny ears, the three pelted out of the room amidst the gales of laughter.

It wasn’t till near the end of breakfast that the students noticed the other part of Severus’s work from that morning.

It was a Hufflepuff that spotted it as they leaned back into their chair and looked up. He had stiffened, tugged on the sleeve of his two companions and pointed up. Soon the entire table was looking up as well and when the other tables noticed the silence from the one, they too followed suit.

The Slytherins burst out laughing as each Gryffindor stiffened in rage.

The enchantment on the ceiling was no longer there. Where one would usually look up to see the sky as it would be outside, there was a picture of a large piece of parchment, a feathered quill and an ink pot. Scrawled in emerald ink widthwise of the parchment was this:

Harry Potter is a git,

That has a crush on Cho Chang,

And wears pink boxers!

Dumbledore was furious. "Snape, office, now," was all he was able to clip out as he swept out of the room, Severus and Blaize behind him.


Dumbledore paced his office floor, trying to calm down. However, each time he looked up at Severus sitting there, he couldn’t help but feel his anger burn higher. It took an hour of pacing before he calmed down and sat at his chair with a sigh.

"How could you do that?"

Severus smiled. "With the Animadverto spell."

Dumbledore stared sternly at Severus. "Not did, could."

Severus himself stood up abruptly, unsettling the kitten on his shoulder enough to make her yowl in his ear. "For Gods sake Albus, I HAD to do something against Harry. When this stupid bind is broken I’m going to be Head of Slytherin again. How can I do that if my children have no respect for me? If I let Harry get away without doing something in retaliation, none of those kids will come to me with their problems because they don’t respect me, because they think I’m a weakling that will let a stupid Gryffindor walk over me!"

Dumbledore sighed, lowering his head and rubbing his forehead. "You at least could have been a bit nicer…"

Severus just smiled. "Ah, but there wouldn’t have been any fun in it if I had. Besides, this way maybe Potter will realize that Cho Chang is only a crush to him. He’d be a stupid ass if he tried to marry the little heathen."


"Sorry, Albus."

Dumbledore sighed. "You still have an hour and fifteen minutes of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Get on with you. Twenty points from Slytherin for damaging school property."

Severus just smiled as he dashed out of the office, taking the stairs two at a time.


Hermione was in one of her studious fogs as the Gryffindor trio walked down the corridor to their class.

"Knut for your thoughts, ‘Mione?" Ron asked, nudging her, bored while Harry adamantly told another person that no, he did not wear pink boxers, and no, he didn’t think they had the right to know what color boxers he did wear.

"It’s just…" she trailed off, biting her thumb nail in a nervous gesture.

"It’s just what? Get it off your chest, ‘Mione."

"I think Snape might be very powerful."

Ron blinked. "Snape? Powerful? Come on, Herm, the guy turns whatever he puts a spell on green!"

"But Ron, it would have taken a lot of magic to change the enchantment on the ceiling. That’s messing with really old, really powerful magic there. I’ve read Hogwarts, A History, Ron, and if I remember correctly, one of the old Headmasters tried to change the enchantment once so that it would never show a rainy day. He burnt himself out and couldn’t so much as do the simplest of spells for a year afterwards and it never even phased the enchantment. Snape didn’t even look slightly tired today at breakfast even after doing what he did."

"Well, maybe Snape just tried a different spell."

"I guess that might account for it…" But Hermione didn’t think so and the problem stayed with her even through Defense Against the Dark Arts.


Draco Malfoy was not having a good day. Even after hearing about the ceiling prank, he was still in a sour mood. Almost every minute he could hear someone snickering in remembrance of the bunny ears on his head. He even caught himself twice already patting his head, making sure he didn’t have the abominable things anymore.

And when the cause of his suffering entered the class late, his anger flared.


Harry looked angrily over at Severus as the little black haired boy entered the room. Harry had been asked many times since breakfast if he REALLY wore pink boxers and had been teased mercilessly about his crush for Cho Chang.

Any guilt he had had about binding Snape into the body of a fifteen-year-old was gone. Severus Snape would find himself in the hospital wing by lunchtime, if Harry had anything to say about it.


Severus smiled at Professor Holly cutely as he entered the classroom. She waved him to his seat, not missing a beat in her lecture about the dangers of handling dragons.

Slipping into his seat and taking his items for note taking out of his right sleeve and his text book from his left, Severus didn’t notice the hostile glares centered on him.

Since Severus knew everything that Chris was talking about, Severus settled himself down not to take notes, but to draw a portrait of the elf.


When class was dismissed, Severus had to stay behind to inform Chris that he had lost another twenty points, leaving Slytherin with five (A first year had pleased Madam Hooch.) points.

Afterwards, as Chris swept off to the Great Hall after asking him to lock the door behind him, Severus collected his things.

It was as the lock finished turning that Blaize hissed and the first punch connected.

Draco and Harry had been leaning against the wall beside the door, one on each side. For the first time, and perhaps the last, the two rivals had called a truce in order to take care of the more immediate problem plaguing the both of them.

As the punch impacted on his back and he was slammed forward into the locked door, he allowed himself do be dragged down by gravity as he twisted his body so that he was facing his two assailants. Blaize jumped off his shoulder right into Draco’s face, clawing, hissing, and spitting, a mad mini whirlwind of emerald green.

Lunging, Severus managed to tackle Harry to the ground. He couldn’t run for the same reason’s that he had done the Animadverto spell, so Severus threw himself with wild abandon into the two on one fight.


In the end, Professor Flitwick broke the fight up. Because of that, no one broke any bones. Draco had scratch marks all over his arms, neck, and shoulders. Harry had a pair of broken glasses and a black eye, Blaize was just fine, and Severus had a dozen bruises all over body and a cracked rib, making it painful to breath.

Each boy lost twenty points.


Yami no Kaiba: *Snaps her head up swiftly when she realizes she had started to nod off.* Gods, I feel so drained… Sugar high dropped off half way through, so I’m sorry if the ending’s a bit stupid. Anyway, I’m off to bed. Have a Happy New Year!

Yami no Kaiba: *Drags herself out of bed as something strikes her mind.* I’m an idiot… Before anyone asks me about why and how Severus can do a spell without a wand, here’s the answer. I believe really powerful wizards can do spells without their wands as long as they have the proper concentration.

--To be Continued.

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