Title: Cattywampus
Author: Yami no Kaiba
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Rating: G
Pairing: Spock/McCoy
Length: 228 words

Summary: Spock has been a little Mind-meld happy lately. McCoy does not approve.
Disclaimers: I do not own the characters or the concepts of Star Trek in any of its forms.
Note: Because I wanted something short and sweet, and found part of it in my WIP folder. Cracky, with an entire paragraph of what I hope is Southern insults.


The doors swooshed behind him, and McCoy turned around just in time to see Spock's hand coming towards his face. Flinching back, smacking at Spock's outstretched hand, he yelled angrily, "No!"

Spock blinked and swallowed harshly, his hand still in the air between them for a long moment before he withdrew it with visible effort. Rearranging into what on any human McCoy would have termed a defensive self-hug, hands tucked out of sight beneath his arms, Spock's facial demeanor closed down like the proverbial iron curtain. Rejection was, as it had always been before, a cold slap of ice water to the face. "I... Apologize, Doctor. I did not mean to infringe upon your person without your permission."

McCoy's blue eyes narrowed, as his sleep deprived mind replied before he could think better of it. "Darn tootin' you should apologize, you no 'count, uppity, pointy-eared Vulcan. Coming in here and pushing me about all cattywampus, it's like you have no horse sense at all!"

And damn it, Spock was doing his own-version of the puppy eyes, and it was just as devasting as the first time he saw it.

Throwing his hands up in exasperation, he gestured Spock forward, "Oh fine, just give me a proper hug first, you jerk."

Perking up like the cat Leonard often thought Spock was, the Vulcan moved forward into his waiting arms.


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