Title: Sov-mashau (To Fall Like Rain)
Author: Yami no Kaiba
Fandom: Star Trek TOS
Rating: G
Pairing: Spock/McCoy
Length: 100 words

Summary: Drawn/Written for the second prompt of Ship Wars at st_respect.
Disclaimers: IWe do not own the characters or the concepts of Star Trek in any of its forms.
Warnings: None


Spock is gone.

There are days when Leonard can barely think beyond that. Days when, engulfed in the thick, heavy folds of black fabric that had been Spock's last gift to him, he can't help but sit in the window seat and stare outside while seeing nothing but the past.

It's Vulcan tradition to bury those who go to Gol. Leonard can understand that – funerals are always about closure for the living, after all.

He's not ready for closure. He wants to live – to live with Spock.

So he sits here, wrapped in Spock's scent, and dreams of what was.


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